
  1. Ibiza 6j gear shifter ball housing

    Hello, I want to replace the plastic housing around the ball in my gear shifter but can’t seem to figure out how to release it. Its an Ibiza 6j 2010 1.2tdi. I saw this video regarding mk5 volkswagens, and it says to press in the 4 release tabs, but mine does not have those tabs. the piece I am...
  2. Klimaxx

    Wierd noise when put in reverse

    Hello recently bought a seat ibiza st 2013 1.2 tsi, i tested everything before buying but never drove in reverse so now im stuck with this lol… Anyone know what the problem could be if someone had the same issue the buzzing comes only when...
  3. Gear knob ware

    Has anyone else’s gear stick gone like this? It’s a 70 plate and considering it’s automatic I am quite unhappy with how much damage has been caused. Is this easily removed and replaced? Worth going down the warranty route? because surly it shouldn’t go like this, only done 22k miles.
  4. Help replacing gear linkage cables Mk4 Seat Ibiza

    Hi all, I’m currently in the process of replacing gear linkage cables as one snapped on me (although still attached to the gear box) I bought a complete new gear-lever, gate, and cables all attached so I can simply unbolt the old and put in the new. However I’m having trouble getting the old...
  5. HELP no 4th gear

    i was driving allong and i herd a rattle i thought it was my exhast dragging so i got out and checked under the car everything was fine. carried on driving with the rattle and went into 4th gear and it is like neutral, i stopped still and put in 4th and lifted the clutch and nothing happend, all...
  6. revs holdin when gear changing

    hi guys just bought a seat leon cupra r 210 but ive noticed the revs seem 2 hold for a little while when changin gear? is this normal as ive owned cars b4 that dont do this any help would b handy many thanks
  7. Stitching on FR Gear Lever Gaiter

    Hi I picked up my FR on Tuesday however it may sound a silly question but I would be interested to know from other FR owners what colour stitching you have to the leather gear gaiter? Mine is white, yet in all the illustrations I have seen it is red, to match stitching on steering wheel and...
  8. 75/90 part synth vs 75/90 fully synth gear oil?

    Does it really matter? Cheers
  9. shazo

    ibiza FR tdi Gear ratios? and final drive ratio info please?

    as above, im currently doing a project on my seat ibiza FR tdi pd130, its 2006 facelift model. if anyone could please tell me the gear ratios for the vehicle and the final drive ratio? ino the ibiza and fabia VRS have the same engine but i cant find either for ratios any help would be...
  10. ibiza_95

    Cable gear change replacement

    Has anyone had to replace the gear change cable from the gearstick to the gearbox? I snapped one yesterday when i was drag racing (At santa pod not on the street) and need to replace it. Couple of questions... If i get a new cable is it possible to feed the new cable down the old sleeve to...
  11. Loss of acceleration in 3rd gear @50mph

    Hello all, The last couple of weeks I've been having troubles with my Seat Leon 1.9 TDi. It seems to have lost alot of it's pace at higher speeds. The acceleration will slow right down when I'm in 3rd gear and reach 50mph and continue even if I change gear to 4th/5th. I tried bypassing the...
  12. Willie

    Adjusting gear box linkages

    Found this on an American VW site. If you have problems getting into gear this will help you discount the linkages. Some of us have aftermarket GB linkages. When I fitted mine I didn't do any of this and still sometimes have an issue with getting into 2nd...
  13. MWG

    Rattling sound when changing gear

    Was pulling away yesterday and noticed a rattling sound when i depressed the clutch, drove home with the radio off and every time i pressed the clutch pedal down it made the same noise. I noticed a knocking in the clutch pedal a few weeks back, that goes away when the clutch is down so i...
  14. Gear Display

    I've owned my Ibiza 1.6 TDI CR sport for just over a week and i've noticed that i'm travelling at around 45 mph the gear display is telling me to change up into 5th gear, however as soon as I do this the car starts shaking to say that it's too high a gear and then it tells me to change back down...
  15. Revs rise on gear change

    Hi all Im having a problem with my 2005 LCR where the revs sometimes rise by around 500rpm when changing gear. It seems to happen above 2000rpm and more often when changing at higher revs with the clutch down and foot completly off the throttle. It also seems to be a bit jerky when easing off...
  16. Engine drops to idle and also gear change prob

    Hi everyone, I have two probs with my '98 90hp tdi Alhambra. The first and most urgent problem is that today it became extemely difficult to change gear. The clutch works fine. The gear lever is very stiff in all directions, 1st and reverse are impossible to select. I had to drive home in...
  17. 5th gear whine??

    5th gear whine?? hey ive got a strange whine when i put the car into 5th gear... it only happens when i put it into gear? when its in gear its fine??? and all other gears are sweet as a nut! has any 1 else had this problem?????
  18. cuprakris

    gear problem

    hi. a couple of days ago i had the dogleg engine mount go wich resulted in it cracking the cat i have changed both them parts but i just jumped in my car to move it and now it wont select gears while the engine is running but when it is turned off it is fine has anyone had this problem and...
  19. Faisal

    hesitation when changing gear

    hello, need help quick. Done a search but found no definitive answers. Just there i went out in my car,when i put the foot down,power comes in as normal,but when i change gear,my car hesitates for a full second before power comes back in.theres no power for a second,then it comes bak in...
  20. Vent surrounds and gear gaitor surround

    Has anyone got any pics of the 'aluminium' finish vent surrounds and gear gaitor surround?
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