
  1. will_ainsworth

    nomad gauges

    Got my gauges and pillar through today, was alot of money for a bit of fibre glas but im really happy with it, from nomad racing. all in for the guages and pod it cost me £120 which isnt too bad, went for these guages as the colour match to the cupra dials is amazingly good, and they have the...
  2. Phillc

    THS hoses / Gauges fitted

    Well the THS hoses come on Thursday, water, boost and Tip, then the wife said she was going to take my son to see his gran for the week end did i want to come, well the cars going to have its MOT on Friday so i had better give the car a once over i said ;) All week end to spend working on the...
  3. Fl@pper

    Centre Console Gauges

    Anyone using the lower gauge pod (mines a lhd one) just wondering what gauges you are using as the ones i have just been given the surround is too big and the trim won't fit over em :(:( probably just as well as they are a bit kevish :headhurt:
  4. cus

    Cupra R centre gauges

    i know a lot of people have these fitted, but i'm a bit worried about losing so much space.. i use this space for my mobile, paper, cigarettes :whistle: , etc etc. so just wondering where people who have the gauges installed, store everything. i dont like putting my mobile in the glovebox...
  5. cuprabaz

    Auto Meter Wide Band & EGT gauges

    I've found a place in America that will do me a good deal on these. I know most of you advise people to get Zeitronix/VEMS/Innovate but i would quite like to have all my gauges the same. Have any of you heard anything about these gauges...
  6. shantybeater

    show us your gauges!

    Hi ppl i've seen a few gauges about & just want to see whats out there & what they look like. What you got? how well does it work with the orange/red dash color? any pics?? Also what type of gauges are people running?? i'm thinking the most important are : boost, oil pressure, oil temp &...
  7. EL

    60 mm gauges - Will it fit in the air vent?

    Hi all, Can you fit a set of 60 mm gauges in the main air vent? Was hoping to get 3 of them stuffed in there. Thanks
  8. StokieShinobi

    Leon Boost Gauges | Oil Pressure etc - Which Gauge is the best match???

    Was just wondering if peeps could get pics up of their a pillar pods? I want to get the best matching pods as possible. What is the general consensus on boost gauges etc - I just want the one that matches my LCR dials best Any pics and link would be HUUUUUUUUGELY appreciated...
  9. wiring OEM gauges

    One maybe for the more experienced amongst us here; I have bought a set of LHD Seat Sport (Original equipment) gauges that fit into the centre console. Now it has a plug that looks exactly like it plugs into the wiring loom somewhere. Q. here is - does anyone know if its a basic plug...
  10. Gauges have stopped working !

    All the gauges and warning lights have stopped working All fuses seem ok LIghts work and car starts ok any ideas?
  11. mikeruss

    I suspect his is a stupid question. Boost Gauges?

    The dial/gauge thing. I understand oil temp, gives you a better indication than water temp of when you are safe to put the foot down etc. But what I don't get is a boost gauge? Apart from looks what is the actual function?
  12. Need a pod and gauges any ideas???

    Hey guys, need some advice on what pod to get for my LCR. Want a twin pod up the side om my door, one gauge has to be a boost gauge and not really bothered what the other is as long as its simple to fit. Was thinking of a RPM with gear change light but wouldnt know how to fit it. Can you...
  13. Chrisdaman

    Where are your boost Gauges?

    alright lads and ladies i've bought a 52mm Mocal boost guage for my ibiza, and cant decide where to put it. could anybody put up a picture of where theirs is please so it can help me decide? any help is mucho appreciated Cheers Chris
  14. gauges

    where would i wire a boost gauge to ???
  15. traumapat

    oil pressure gauges.

    ive done boost and oil temp. i now want to add oil pressure. the only way i know of is to add a componant from 42 draft designs. which is basically an extension block which connects to the stock pressure sensor.. and gives you 2 sender holes... one for the stock sender and one for the new...
  16. Double DIN console & Gauges...

    Okay peeps, here's my starter for ten... in the centre console on my LCR i want to put a set of three gauges under the stereo... The obvious way (to me!) to do this is to buy the double din things that come up every-so-often on here / ebay, move my single din stereo up to the top of the...
  17. rickisgrate

    What A pillar POD mount and gauges

    Does anyone know where i can get an A-pillar pod mount from for my mk3 ibiza cupra, preferably in the same colour of the original, seen a couple on ebay but they dont look that hot. Also looking for a boost gauge and air/fuel ratio gauge but want them in red to go with the rest of the interior...
  18. Boi Ninja

    centre dash, gauges?

    ive seen this on and wondered if anyone has a part number for it? i want it!! looks nice and it would...
  19. BHP Addict

    Swoosh Gauges in LCR

    Hi Guys, Can anyone shed any light on these at all? Anyone got any already? I have been looking at matches for my LCR dials and cannot find any i like. But these look OK in the day light and awesome next to the LCR dash dials in the dark. Almost perfect thanks guys What you...
  20. Lee Cupra R

    Swoosh gauges

    Just had a bargin from a friend i got 2 swoosh gauges for boost and oil pressure for a silly price :D But are they any good? He said they are as good as the autometer ones.
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