
  1. cresswell22

    temp gauge

    hi all my temp gauge will does not seem to go to the half way mark anymore but when it does it drops to the quarter mark after a min or so but most of the time it just goes up and down up and down what would you say it was
  2. bla1n3

    sticking boost gauge

    Just done a little search on this problem but couldnt find anything really to solve my problem. when i first got my car Nov 2008 the Boost guage would move smoothly up and back down through boosting but just lately it seems to be sticking at peak of boost and the pin coming back down like in...
  3. Mr OCD

    Boost Gauge

    I want to install a boost gauge on the Cupra but instead of showing it off I want to hide it in either the ashtray (if possible) or the glovebox... Anyone done this? It's a sleeper hence why want it hidden away. ;)
  4. sirjimalot

    No Speedo and Crazy Fuel Gauge

    ive done a search on this and people have said its happened to them and the plugs on the gearbox were either off or bad connections, this isnt the case with mine, nor is there an apparent earth problem, I have had no speedo since August now, and its getting annoying as im not clocking any...
  5. cuprastupot

    Black LC: Liquid Gauge Readings

    Some pictures of the motor in the snow - very dirty, sorry. Then some pictures of new front very clean - had bonnet sprayed looks like new now. Just debating whether to put the cupra r splitter back on? Also comments welcome and appreciated on the top pre-facelift grilles. I never really...
  6. Help needed please with temp gauge.

    Hi all im having problems with my temp gauge, When i drive my car the gauge does not go up at all until i stop and let the car tick over it goes up, not all the time just every now and again. Then when i drive off the gauge slowly goes back down. I was told it could be the temp sender/sensor so...
  7. kineticz

    Scan gauge

    I've noticed they've changed the Scangauge for one with a very small screen, whereas they used to have a 3 inch screen I think it was? Do they still sell the ones with larger screen? I know LEE69 has one. Any help on where to get them if so and why they changed to the smaller screen would...
  8. stevo lcr

    Boost gauge??

    Hi all.I want to fit a boost gauge into my lcr,so i was just wondering where are people fitting them,as i dont fancy taking a heater vent out,or any dash surgery! Also,where is the best place to run the vacuum pipe into the car,as i cant really see an easy route into the car from the engine bay??
  9. luke c

    boost gauge idiots guide

    Got my boost gauge and pillar delivered and tried to fit it today, i have managed to get the pipe from the engine bay into my glovebox but have no idea how the hell im supposed to get it to the other side of the car :confused: . I have searched all over is there a simple idiots guide to fitting...
  10. New SC fuel gauge stuck on full!

    I've already driven 250km on the same tank but the fuel gauge is still showing full tank! To those of you whom are metric illiterate - 250km is approximately half a tank worth of driving. Any suggestions?
  11. light on temprature gauge

    Hi , since the cold weather started every now and then the light on the temp gauge flashes and the coolant alarm beeps 3 times . does anyone know what this means ??? many thanks Tom
  12. Temperature gauge creeping up

    hi there just a quick question i have just got in my lcr and warmed it up for 20 min while i cleared the snow off my car, when i pulled out of my road i got stuck and the temp gauge went to about 110. i have just travelled about 8 miles and the gauge seems to be ok now. is there a problem or do...
  13. advice needed on gauge pillar purchase???

    hi i have been thinking of getting a boost and oil temp gauge fitted to my LCR mk1, but the pods on ebay look crap. does anyone know where i can buy a decent pod for a reasonable price??? regards bash
  14. cuprakemp

    boost gauge

    any one running boost gauges on there cupras and where do you have to plumb them in to. thanks neil
  15. Stupra

    Temperature gauge

    I have a 170PS Exeo ST. Very pleased with it, but I want to get others help on a query. In this very cold weather, the temp.gauge takes ages to register "normal" (shall I say a vertical needle on the dial) If I am going with the traffic, say 50 ish MPH, the gauge will actually never reach...
  16. paul-murphys

    temp gauge maybe faulty

    i changed my turbo other day an filled up coolant with only coolant as didnt have a tap near buy. anyway since ive done that the coolant reading keeps going beetween 65 an 90 if not reving hard goes down to 65 an if rev engine a bit it goes to 90. would you say this is a coolant temp sender or...
  17. temp gauge agen

    Temperature gauge hi all i run a leon 1.8 20v turbo on a 52 plate, normally the tempriture gauge wen engine warm is normally at 90 an doesnt move, yesturday i was driving an it started to drop down to 60 an back to 90. Any ideas people????
  18. Red light flash from water temp gauge. Cold weather.

    Hi Last year I had a map from a danish mapper, back then I could experience "Red light flash from water temp gauge" when I had below 0 celcius. Back then I blaimed the map for being ****. Now I have revo, and I had this problem this morning. What is this about, some cold/icy water warning...
  19. Just fitted a liquid gauge...

    ...and done a couple of power runs. How accurate is the gauge? Car is an Ibiza Cupra TDI with a custom remap and a panel filter. 45k miles on the clock. Never been rr'd but was presuming about 200bhp. Now this should be taken with a huge pinch of salt but the gauge thinks the car has...
  20. deann

    boost gauge Leon mk2

    Hi guys any idea where i can get a boost gauge pod to go along the A pillar of my 2.0 Cupra? Very new to this site and forum in general.. Any help or links would be great ive looked ebay but they are for Mk1? thanks guys Dean
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