
  1. djmozibiza

    Flashing Spanner & "OIL"

    Hello everyone, Just driving home music blazing, next minute BEEEEEEP, first i thaught it was fuel but id only recently filled up, looked down and on the tripometer the spanner was on and "OIL" was flashing on and off. When i got home i looked it up in the car manual, it says engine oil...
  2. handbrake light flashing and beeping

    i started my car this afternoon and the handbrake light started flashing and beeping when i first turned car on. Any ideas as to what this is all about?? Thanks in advance Alex
  3. Flashing lights

    Hi people, Yesterday evening, when I was driving home, I noticed that the lights that illuminate the electric windows/doolock on both sides were flashing from dim to bright and bright to dim. it was not a constant flashing but more intermitant would anyone know why??? DS
  4. Service Light Flashing

    Hey Everbody, I only bought my car 2 weeks ago, and now the service light on the dash flashes while waiting for the rest of the dash lights to go out. The garage I bought it off said they had serviced it prior to my collecting it. Does this mean they didn't or did they simply forget to reset...
  5. Mad Spoons

    Flashing Red light

    My car is having another funny turn :cry: Switched on the enigne the other night, Temp gauge red light flashes and beeps. thought umm thats a bit odd, the car was warm and had been parked for ten minutes. got home, parked up for another ten minutes and went out in it again, no beeping no...
  6. Coolant light flashing?

    Sometimes when i start my Ibiza Cupra(2001) up the coolant tepm gauge flashes for a cople of seconds then it's stops and its ok. Also when its cold whilst driving my temp gauge will not go up to the middle like it has always done up till the last few weeks. Can anyone help?
  7. Smart22186

    Flashing **Yellow** oil light?

    Some times when I start my car I get the oil light flash at me 3 times and its flashing yellow (which is strange as when the ignition is set its red) why is this and what does it mean? Read book and done search but no luck, only thing found was to stop car if flashed RED and made a beep due...
  8. didsi

    Help... Red Flashing Light!!!!!

    I got in my car this morning and it was -1.5 on the temp display. as i started the engine i heard three beeps and there is a red flashing light (in the engine temp dial) flashing all the time now! at first i thort it was something to do with the temp but now am thinking its maybe the oil level...
  9. Jordan20vt

    Glow plug light flashing

    My glowplug light is flashing!! I've just been out for a drive and it was flashing for about 15mins then went off! i'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with pre heating as all of these lights have double meaning:blink: Is this something obvious or coluld it mean multiple things? Thanks...
  10. Window Panel Flashing

    Hello all, I have a Leon since 2001 and everything is running smoothly until very recently I realised that the window panel next to the driver's seat as well as all the window buttons are flashing (on/off) continuously with no patern. Has anyone seen it before? Thanks :wtf: :confused...
  11. flashing needles

    this morning my speedo and rev counter needles started to flash and then went off completely, has anyone had this before?? any ideas on what it could be?? 2001 cupra 80000 miles cheers rich
  12. Flashing coolant light problem solved

    As with alot of others I've had this problem alot lately especially on cold mornings. Got a toothbrush and gave the metal probes in the coolant tank a right good scrub at the weekend, no flashing light or buzzer since!
  13. Temperature gauge flashing light

    started my LCR from cold yesterday and got beeping noise and then the light on my temperature gauge kept flashing? It hasn't done it since. Anybody got any idea what it meant, and if I need to worry about it? thanks,
  14. Dodson

    Handbrake Light Flashing andBeeping!

    Just driving along and the handbrake light starts flashing and beeping,so i made sure the handrake was fully off,and it defo is. So what does this mean? As the light is now constantly flashing,there is plenty of fluid in.:shrug:
  15. excess pollution lamp flashing and irregular engine

    Hi all, recently purchased an 02 Leon. This morning the diagnosis*/excess pollution lamp started flashing and the engine started to turn over slightly irregularly. Does anyone know what causes this and how it can be resolved. I've had the car less than 2 months so am very concerned...
  16. Flashing temp light & Overheating!!!!!

    Hi people, please help!! About six months ago I started my 03 leon cupra R and the temp light started flashing but engine was cold but I was told by dealer that the coolant level was low but I checked that. Then only a day ago it did it again but it gets worse. I was driving in traffic and it...
  17. leegt5

    Temp light flashing and beeping

    Had this happen this morning when the car was showing 0 degrees !! Is this the coolant bottle sensor or the coolant temp sensor as Ive already replaced the later only a few months ago to the green one !!
  18. Handbrake light flashing!!

    Hi peeps, I was driving the other day and my handbrake light started flashing and then stopped after a minute. Then again the next day out driving it flashes on and off a couple of times again!! Any ideas as to what this could be? Also i get a screeching (spelling) noise when turning left...
  19. flashing control panel

    When i turn the ignition off and leave the car for a few minutes the control panel suddenly starts blinking in time with the clock and all the lcd bits can be seen, soon as i start the car it returns to normal any ideas?
  20. snipaz

    Alarm light not flashing by door pin?

    Hi there ive just noticed that my alarm light is not flashing next to my door pin, the central locking is still working and all that but im worrd that the alarm is not? Could this be due to a burnt out fuse or something?.....and if so where is the flippin fuse box, have not had the car long and...
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