
  1. davecash

    Mk3 Ibiza - Exterior is finished.

    Nothing more to be done to the exterior in my opinion apart from it needs a clean (photos taken just after coilovers were fitted)
  2. ibiza_95

    Boot false floor finished

    just got this finished today. Its a false floor carpeted in black the same as the car, with a recessed amp in the floor and JL box... Makes the boot look pretty huge to be honest ... and yes i know i shouldnt have my belts up to the rears as they are :)
  3. alffi

    Chrome finished exterior door handle covers

    Has anybody fitted chrome finished exterior door handle covers? I'm having problems removing the old part that covers the lock on the handle.
  4. cbr40017

    Mk 3 Ibiza Sport Re-spray & Tints finished

    :D A big thank you to all those who helped me out with info prior to re-spray, so here are a few pics now that both sides have been re-sprayed & i had the windows tinted on monday charcol tint 54% front windows 23% rear quaters 17% back window well worth the £160 for the tints & £320 for...
  5. Ibiza02

    Few bits left to do before COMPLETELY FINISHED!!!

    Hello only got a few more things left to do on my car before its completely finished which are: - Finish Audio install off (amp, power cap and neons) - Springs and dampers (35mm drop anyone know best prices and where to get them from?) - Exhaust backbox (best price for one fitted? discount...
  6. gtd86

    My HID install, finished but need suggestions!!!

    Just finished putting in my HID lights yesterday, but need a suggestion on where to put the drivers side ballast box... I have just stuck it down between the washer fluid bottle and the intercooler pipe, although i don't want to keep it there because: A: its not properly attached and B...
  7. Finished Car PC Build & Install

    Finally finished building a car pc for my mate. Information and pics can be found here **** More photos Added *****
  8. leon7284

    Finally finished my install!

    Thoughts please people :blink: I know its only sony before you all cuss it but when some more money comes in i may spend a lil on some quality sounds!!! [B)]
  9. charlietruman

    just finished painting the engine covers! :)

    whaddya reckon? all glossed up too. its hard to see but i have also applied a spanish Bull motif on the battery cover too, still not sure whether to do the entire batter cover though? maybe toooo red.
  10. BHP Addict

    Just finished 01:16am

    Just finished this baby. Few more pics to follow as I cant keep my eyes open at mo :lol: Just need to cut out number plate section and sort some mesh. Oh ye and the reducers from pipe to cooler :rolleyes:
  11. scottys

    The install finished

    A few pics
  12. cu51pra

    my wilwoods finished

    here are some of the pics of my new brakes no ive finished painting them wot do you think people. 1. 2. 3.
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)