
  1. danthemanwhocan

    LED lights finally fitted....yay!

    Well, the weather was pants on the weekend, so couldnt get any decent shots, although managed to snap these two this morning. Dunno if the diadems suit, might have to invest in some silver ones. Otherwise, i'm well happy with them.
  2. leon finally gone

    Have just been on the website and the section for the leon mk 1 has now gone. I was just wondering is will you still be able to get parts etc for it as i still have 2 years left on my warranty?
  3. Finally car idles okay..

    anyway I promised to write and tell everyone how i got my car (8V GTI) to idle if ever..after replacing everything i could(electrical) myself i took it to a VW workshop. After a few days they said they thought it has something to do with the fuel system at idle. They wanted to remove my...
  4. Vicky M

    LED's finally fitted.

    Today, i finally fitted the LED's to the Beeza, now got 36's refractors in front and rear indicators (amber) 36's refractor on stop/tail red single dome red inner pair of tail single dome wedge in front sidelights. Just got reversing light to do (still haven't bought that one yet)...
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