
  1. Wiered ABS warning light fault

    Got a really strange ABS warning light fault. When ever I have passengers in the back of my 98 Ibiza 2.0 ABF the ABS warning light comes on. The brakes are fine, no ABS pump cutting in or anything. Once the passengers get out, the light goes off. This has only started happening since I had...
  2. emisson control fault light

    got this light on my car tuesday, rang seat and they booked me in weds, took it in and they did a software update. Yesterday though it came back on !!! I rang them again today and he said ill order a DPF pressure sensor an book me in on tuesday. anyone else had issues with this fault
  3. SeatR

    help with fault codes

    my exhaust cracked at the downpipe yesterday and a while after the engine light came on. Is it because of the exhaust leak or is it another fault? Address 01: Engine Control Module Part Number: 06A 906 032 DE Component and/or Version: 1.8L R4/5VT 0001 Software...
  4. help problem with mk3 ibiza cupra anyone seen this fault code

    hi guys wondering if some one could shed some light on this problem please ecu light keeps coming on and throwing up this fault code after ive booted it bank 1 fuel trim engine running lean its only doing this some times after youve booted it hard then drive it normal after just had...
  5. james walker

    fault help

    guys, p0411- secondary air flow malfunction noticed water leaking under car todat, brought eml light on, with this code.... now i know what the code is, cleared it before and now 3 months later its come back, what im concerned about and need to know what the possible cause and what the...
  6. Diagnosing DV fault

    I've only had my Cupra for 2 weeks, but concerned I may have a DV problem. The car feels quick, but not quite as quick as I imagined at 240bhp car would be, especially in the upper reaches of 3rd and 4th gear. It may just be that the linear power delivery makes it feel slower than it really...
  7. Electric Window Fault

    Just some advice from one of you please?? All of a sudden my near side electric window stopped working?? So i took the door panel off and found the cable nearest the door handle had snapped!! basically all i would like to know is can i replace this cable? If so how easy is it to do? Due to...
  8. Central Locking remote stopped working!

    hi can anyone help i got a 2004 leon cupra r and last week the remote stopped working the lght on the remote lights up and i have checked the fuse all ok i have removed the batt on remote for 5 mins and tried it again and still does not operate the centeral locking and i have to do it manually...
  9. Throttle Fault codes... Ahh!!!

    Right, car is running really really lumpy, cant accelerate, sounds like a cylinder not firing (although i'm pritty sure its not that) ive tried changing the coil packs before I even got a chance to plug it in... Ive plugged the car into VAG COM and got this: 17953 - Throttle Valve...
  10. Ricardo

    Lambda fault code / warm up at idle

    Lambda sensor Fault codes! I keep getting Lambda sensor codes even though it has been replaced 3 times now! The last time was by guys I trust at Total Vag (formely Vagtech) for a proper bosch sensor acouple od months ago. It seems to not throw up as much if when I cold start I allow the iddle...
  11. remote fault help

    hi can anyone help looked everywher for a answer but cant find it everything was working fine until today when the remote stopped working will not lock or un lock with the remote i have pressed the button and the little lights on the remote works the only way to lock or unlock is manually in...
  12. Leon cupra tdi 150 fault codes!

    Hi Guys, Hoping at least one boffin can help me :) have recently had an mot which it passed with flying colours. The next day, a whole host of problems decided to baffle me ECU light T/C light Coil light went to have a diagnostics reading this morning and the following codes...
  13. fault codes

    I'm thinking about buying a Cupra but upon scanning it with VAG.com it came up with the below fault codes. Everything else about the car seems pretty solid and it has a 12 month MOT etc. Are these anything to worry about? Thanks for any advice! VAG-COM Version: Release 409.1-S...
  14. Electrical Fault - Help required

    Guys, My X plate 1.6 Leon recently had the gearbox replaced.It has been running fine up til tonight when going round a corner, the locks started jumping open then locked, the dash lit up like a christmas tree and all electrics were flickering on and off including the engine jumping on and...
  15. FAST AL

    Wing mirror fault.

    Guys the wing mirrors work correctly when I turn the passenger side one up down left right but drivers side one also operates passenger side.WHAT GIVES THERE. Also wifey just told me that a couple of weeks ago only the drivers side mirror folded up.
  16. Vin-R

    LCR Fault come up - "Alarm Siren, no communication"

    Hi guys , this fault has come up on vagcom?? any ideas what this is?? I had the lock and unlock BEEPS on when i gave my car into the garage on wed to get the second coolant pump looked at. Went to collect it in the afternoon, and there was nothing wrong with the pump, anyways, went to open...
  17. Vin-R

    LCR Turbo Issue / Fault has come up ???? PLS HELP!!!

    Hi guys, couple of things really, hope you lot can shed some light on this: Turbo Issue. When Ive been out in the LCR, no matter for how long, when I come back and turn the car off, i can always here a buzzing noise from the drivers side front grill. this lasts for about 10 mins...
  18. kewe

    Fault Codes Advice Please

    Car has been running great, no problems or lights on dash but noticed on cold starts that some petrol is coming out the exhaust. Ran vag-com today and got the following 2 faults:- VAG-COM Version: Release 409.1-S Chassis Type: 1L - Seat Toledo Scan: 01,02,03,08,15,25,41,56...
  19. fault code p1557 (mk4 Ibiza)

    Hi guys,problems get fault code on a run got vag-com ,first question is my car 2003 ibiza sport 130 ,its done 85000 miles and has it got a variable vane turbo egr valve is cruddy, been running on cheap tuning box should i take it off as it caused overfueling seems vac pipes are ok should...
  20. redcupraboy

    Help with Fault code

    Hello all, I have just scanned the car this afternoon using VAG.COM, could any body shed any light on a fault code I found stored please, I have my suspicions its pointing to a new MAF but thought Id double check with you guys first as I could be wrong. The code in question is P0102 mass or...
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