
  1. WeeG

    How easy is it to fit BTCC exhaust to standard fr back bumper?

    This may sound a stupid question guys so bear with me. What i'm after is to make my car exclusive from the usual mods. I really fancied the BTCC body kit, but for 2k all in it is pretty expensive. What im wondering is if anyone knows of or how you would fit the bttc exhaust to the standard...
  2. Which exhaust ?!?!?!

    Hi all, Debating here as to which exhaust would give me the most benefit & best sound. Looked at a few, Miltek, Blueflame, Scorpion, Powerflow. Etc. Now, will all of these cat-back systems come with a middle/centre box? I looked at a few pics of a Miltek one on ebay and they appear to...
  3. greganderson

    invisible exhaust?

    hi everyone, im wanting to get a new back box however, my exhaust is actually behind the rear bumper and cant be seen unless you get underneath the car... is there any way of cutting a whole in the bumper that would look neat? :confused: i dont think there are any body specialists...
  4. Show me exhaust pics

    i have done a few searchs on here i am after few differnt pics of exhausts as i am after one its for me 1.8 20v t fr its just got the standard twin one on at the min. duno if a should go for another twin one but bigger or a oval some most of the oval ones look to big. so could someone please...
  5. Exhaust For Cupra

    Hello all, I decided to get an exhaust for my cupra. For now i have a p-flow intake and the target is to go for REVO STAGE 2. My first question is if there is a problem if i put only the downpipe+cat for know and later on the cat-back And then which exhaust is best? i see lots of...
  6. Sounds like exhaust blowing when cold, but not?!

    Hey, I have a Leon Cupra 53 reg (04). A couple of problems. -When the car is cold, you start it and it sounds like the exhaust is blowing. After approx 2 minutes, this stops and it ticks over as quite as a mice. I heard it's something on the exhaust that kicks in to the warm the system...
  7. greganderson

    Leon 1.4 project...painted badge

    Just bought my very first mk1 leon today :D so happy, haha its only the 1.4 but as a 17 yr old its good enough adn cheap on insurance :D Its black and dirty :( but will very soon be cleaned and polished :) but for now, here's a list of things i wanna do in the next few months...
  8. Jonesy's LC - Jetex and TIP

    Been on here for a few months and never posted up pics of my car, so here goes. Bought on 68k last April, but didn't start driving until MOT & Tax ran out on my previous car (July), so it's now sitting on 71k Some pics when I first bought it, after I'd given it a wash, clay, polish and...
  9. DKershaw

    exhaust fit ?

    just a quick one would a standard twin chrome piped exhaust from a 2008 Ibiza 1.9 TDi FR fit onto a mrk 4 1.4 sport ? :confused:
  10. exhaust

    would a leaon fr mk2 diesal exhaust fit mk5 ibiza 1.6 sport petrol i no this is a long shot
  11. best exhaust system to use

    Hi all, I am looking for opinions on which is the best exhaust system from the manifold back on my ibiza 2.0 16v abf. I currently have a custom made Longlife Exhausts on with the 6"x4" oval backbox on, it's been on for a few years now and to be honest it's getting too loud and rattles like...
  12. Ebay exhaust manifolds: Anyone using them??

    Ok, I'm probably going to end up biting the bullet and buying a GT28RS for my 1.8T, my question is this; is there anyone using ebay 20vt / T25 manifolds with good results? I know people will add comments like 'they will crack' or 'bits will come off them and damage the turbo' etc etc, but I'm...
  13. rydoo

    exhaust pop and bang

    hey guys,just wondering,is there anyway i can make my cars exhaust pop and bang,is there anything anyone can recommend for the car to do this? Thanks
  14. rydoo


    hey guys,im looking at getting a exhaust for my lcr,can anyone recommend a good site to get one? i dont wana have to pay through the nose for it. Thanks in advance.
  15. MK4 tdi exhaust set ups!

    hey guys am looking to up rate my exhaust system am pritty much set on a full non resonated milltek system with a milltek downpipe at the same time put on by AMD:lol:... i was just wondering what others think is the best exhaust set up for tdi's? i have a mk4 ibiza pd130 tdi sport what has...
  16. hoggy90

    can anyone recommend a good exhaust for my 110tdi?

    Im looking for a good exhaust system for my tdi and im wondering what everyone else has on theirs and what its done for them? eg reduced diesel noise,increased power output, added a nice sound etc etc you know the drill ;) anyone done this?:blink: lol am i boring you with all my threads...
  17. JayCho

    my exhaust has popped :(

    Driving home last night, got to a roundabout and suddenly my car started to sound like a scooby. I spoke to my dad and he said he'll look at it and let me know today when im back from work. Anyone have any ideas on how much this could cost to fix?
  18. Veyron

    Funny noise coming from car (Rattling exhaust i think)

    Hi, i was just out and about and was down a country lane and ended up doing a wheelspin on some black ice and ended up sliding down a ditch now the car is making a really funny noise and is really deep and sounds like the exhaust is rattling a lot but i'm not too sure what's up with it since the...
  19. how much does a performance exhaust increase insurance

    hey guys, got aa quote today for a new performance exhaust. will be custom made for my ibiza 1.2s. a lot of people say "its not worth it" but sticking with a panel filter and a new exhaust is worth it in any car in my opinion. lots of threads on here about it but none to say how much i can...
  20. Cupra exhaust manifold gasket

    Does anybody know of an uprated exhaust mani gasket for the 1.8T AYP in MK3 Ibiza Cupra? Developed a blow from there which im guessing is due to increased temp's and power working its way through the gasket, and if there is anything on the market that is gonna' be up up to the task a bit better...
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