
  1. Wiring diagram for engine bay on leon Cupra TDI anyone?

    Had a couple of other posts but seem to be having some elctrical problems causing limp mode. N75, fuel pump relay and colling fan 1 all suffer open / short to ground. Noticed 40a fuse above battery box had blown which I have replaced - renewed main battery ground connection, N75 itself and a...
  2. Oil pressure 1.6AZD engine?

    Hi All, Q1 I keep having the oil warning light flash up and beep three times, it seemsto happen after 30mins of driving. The manuel says it's oil pressure. The cars running fine no noises etc, I have a mate that can check the pressure but does anyone know what figure it should be Reading? Q2...
  3. engine upgrades

    ok, chipping the ecu is expensive for the gains received does anyone else have any tips or mods for quick easy horse power ?
  4. envycordoba

    2.0l 16v engine conversion to 18t can you help

    hi does any1 have any info/build threads to put a 1.8t 20v into my 16v what will i need etc?
  5. zach225

    worn engine mounts?

    hello folks, just recently i have notice my car making a weird squeaky rattley noise when stopped or coasting, sounds like it coming from behing the center air vents/cd player, when i open the bonnet with the engine running, it was rocking quite significantly forwards and backward. is that...
  6. Engine information and starting problems

    Hello everyone I am after some advice. Own a Seat Ibiza 2.0 Sport 04 plate and I need some advice. I believe the engine is an 8V unit. I am trying to find mroe information about the engine to try and fix an exisiting fault. Which other vag cars has this engine been in? Am I right in thinking...
  7. Taipan

    Loose engine cover

    Opened my bonnet tonight and my engine cover was completely off!?! I cant work out how to put it back on. There dont seem to be any fasteners. Any help much appreciated. Cheers
  8. jtmac

    Engine management light - Vagcom in Skipton, Keighley, Halifax or Bradford?

    Hi, My engine management / emissions light has come on. Car seems to be running fine. Is there someone who can read the fault codes for me?
  9. Deemeek

    Engine Cover?

    is there anywhere else you can get an engine cover for a 2006 seat leon 1.9TDi? i foned the dealers and they charge £90 for it. ive tried scrap yards but all the leons they have no engine covers
  10. Ovni_cupraR

    Engine coolant temp sensor part number?

    Hi, just wondering if anyone has the part number for the temp sensor? (green top) for a cupra r. Also does anyone know if I can get one of these from vw/audi dealers as well? thanks
  11. Engine cutting out when cold !

    I have a Ibiza gti cupra sport 8v in the mornings when the engine is started for the first time it keeps cutting out, but once the engine has been started and ran for a while it is fine for the rest of the day Has anyone had this problem before or does anyone know how to solve it ?
  12. paul-murphys

    changing engine internals help

    i have brougt a engine with bottom end knock so wanting to referb the whole engine before i fit to my car, was thinking of changing following parts so only have to split engine once, forged rods performance valve set performance valve spring set APR head bolt kit got a friend who...
  13. Cupra_R04

    Engine squeel

    Hey guys not sure if im right about this but starting to bug the F*** out of me. When i start the engine there is a squeeling noise coming from the engine. As i drive and increase the revs the noise gets worse. From reading a few threads (ibiza's) they have been saying possibly alternator/...
  14. gazbrum

    20VT Engine into leon

    hi my mate recently bought a leon 1.4 but he has a 20vt engine lying about. was just wondering wat is needed alltogether to put this engine in? just simple answers please dnt get hating thanks
  15. engine light is on and reads fault code p0116

    i'm in need of some help plz guys, i have a 2005 ibiza cupra. engine light is on and reads fault code p0116 - engine coolant tempature sensor (circuit/range) so i changed the temp sensor, reset the light and it came on a few hours later. i've just bought the car and garage is waiting...
  16. LCR engine oil...i know not another thread!!

    I've got a LCR 2005 and I'm planning an oil change between dealer services. After much searching through this forum, and others I decided on the quantum synta ed 0w-30, mostly due to the spec - vw 503.01 being linked with this product. So i phoned up seat and ordered. Problem is I picked it...
  17. lost my under tray engine cover in snow

    help lost my under tray engine cover in the snow dose anyone know where to get 1 :confused:
  18. prezf

    Engine conversion

    Hi, I'm looking for some advice. I have Leon 1.6 Reference. It looks pretty good for my taste (full Ibherdesign body kit, koni coilovers, finichi firenze 19'' alloys, brembo brake kit and few minor mods). The only thing I'm lacking in is power. I was thinking about saving up for a 2.0 T engine...
  19. Dashboard Engine warning light is on and running rough from cold start

    Hi, I have a 52 plate Leon cupra 1.8 20v T and the amber engine warning light has come on. When its is started from stone cold it coughs and splutters into life, fine if I keep it revving at about 2,000rpm for about 30 seconds and once warmed up a bit idols fine. Also fine if I turn the...
  20. chrisbond69

    Engine Paint Suggestions

    Im luckily getting some space in a garage to work on the ibiza ive decided to paint the block and gbx too ive got some questions 1. Has anyone painted a block gbx before if so any pictures 2. what products would you reccomend paintable not spray ive been told (Por15, Rustoleum, Hammerite...