
  1. First Test Drive (hooked)!!!!

    Morning all, I test drove a 54 plate silver LCR 225 on Sunday and I loved it, especially as the dealer threw me the key and said go have a play. So I did!!!!!For an hour and a half!! I was impressed with the build quality, liked the interior layout and equipment and was surprised just how...
  2. StuC

    V5 Drive belt service interval

    Hello All, I am hoping someone can help me!!! My V5 has developed what can only be described as a screeeeeeeeeeeeeeech!! (which gets worse with engine revs) :cry: After reading some other threads it sounds like it is either the water pump or the Belt tensioner and I was just wondering...
  3. Ant FR

    Drive buy vid clips of a pd130 with Milltek

    There seems to be enough on here with the Milltek exhaust, just wondered if anyone has any drive by vids of the sound of a milltek on the 130 PD ibiza, or even a golf or fabia ( seen the silly idele one on briskoda). Also one with out the Middle box, as thats what i would be loosing as i...
  4. Test Drive Octy 2 Vrs & Focus St

    Thinkin about changing my LCR in a few months and decided to go on a few test drives this afternoon...Drove a new Octavia Vrs, it only had 5K on the clock so the engine was tight...didnt feel as quick as mine though. On a positive the engine as no lag what so ever and the interior was gorgeous...
  5. Test Drive Advice

    Hi, Going to see a 2000 X-Plate Ibiza Cupra tomorrow (and possibly a couple of 2001-Y 's) and was after some advice... I know about several problems such as the coil packs, MAF and dodgy sensor that reads the temperature, but I don't know any other issues (other than you'd get on any other...
  6. spyke85

    2.0TDI Sport on my drive

    Dad has got one for the week from Seat UK, thinking of swapping his TT for one. So far, very impressed with it. Thats 3 Seat's and an Audi on the drive, just need a VW and a Skoda!
  7. Getting a test drive in a TSFI soon

    I had my car serviced the other day at W.Livingstones.(Great garage) The dealer is expecting a TFSi in shortly and will give me a call to test drive it. I had the New Leon 1.6 Reference as a courtesy car. It had sharper handling than my Mk1 LC !! Was VERY impressed. So can't wait for the...
  8. My LCR 225 Test Drive Verdict

    Hey folks, I'm new to this forum and this is my first post :D I currently have a Honda Civic Type-R (stop boooing lol) and am hopefully getting rid of it for an LCR 225. Well I went for a test drive at the weekend and here is my verdict :) My test drive was of a Leon Cupra R 225bhp model...
  9. oil change and drive recolouring (black)

    Did an oil change on the car today... no probs i told her indoors .. only take an hour or so .... yea right ..... got everything prepared.... drain can engine flush filter.. oil were on the ball.... ran engine... added idle.... check turned of...
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