
  1. dannychapman10

    DPF delete with no remap?

    Hey guys, Just wondered what would happen if I got the system from Milltek but had the remap done at a later stage? Would the car still be ok? Also, is it possible to buy just the DPF delete pipe and put a supersprint on it as I just heard what they sound like....very nice!!! :D:D Danny.
  2. Ooooh what fun im having with the dpf

    an so the problem arrises once again, i have the leon fr 170, and as above have suffered with this stupid dpf causing havock. Got the car towed to the nearest seat dealers in yeadon this afternoon by the aa. Gunna cost me once again for the dpf regeneration, its only been a month an half...
  3. dannychapman10

    DPF Removal

    Hi guys, Right, I'm thinking of a DPF removal but what are the effects of it? I.E can I tell the DVLA It's gone so technically it's passible for an MOT or what? I don't want it done to find the car won't pass it's MOT in 2 years time also taxing is based on emissions, what to do? :) Danny.
  4. FAST AL

    Dpf & oil.

    Just a quick couple of questions.Do all the newer FR TDI's have the DPF ? Mine's a 57 plate and call me a numpty if you like but I'm not sure if I have it or not.Certainly never had the DPF issue's.Surely it has it. Also I bought some oil today for topping up with which incidentally was gona be...
  5. Loss of power, DPF, Emissions Control Light and Glow plug lights on serious issues

    having just got my car back for seat on thursday after they replaced the dfp pressure sensor and had it on an extensive test drive due to them not being happy with pressures and it lost power whilst there. They managed to sort if and i picked it up on thursday and it was all ok untill i got...
  6. Hi all New owner DPF question

    I pick up my Mk 2 Leon FR TDI tomorrow (28k - 06 plate) but im confused about the DPF issues on here. I drive a lot of A roads on a 30 mile round trip to work and back and motorway when I go to cornwall every few weeks. Is the DPF problem a common fault on all cars? or something that was sorted...
  7. 28000 motorway miles hello DPF +Eng Mgmt lights

    Hello all, Returned from Cardiff to Shropshire yesterday. Got into the car this morning to DPF and Engine Management light on. Read lots of DPF threads on here over 28K miles I had the car (1.5 years) so reread the manual and called local dealer and am here now. Waiting to find out if they...
  8. Diesel DPF Filters

    Evening All, I am looking into buying an Altea for the wife, not sure about petrol or diesel yet but heard things about VAG's and the DPF filters on diesels. A local Audi dealer was talking about problems with the filters filling up every two weeks on short commuting journeys on a 1.9 TDI...
  9. Dpf warranty issue

    just thought id let you all know that if you need a DPF regeneration like i needed this morning in fact, its not covered under warranty an will cost you £155 thats with VAT included. WHAT ALLOAD OF BOLLOCKS!!!!!!! THE PERSON WHO INVENTED DPF WANTS SLAPPING...... oh, i drive an 07 leon FR 170
  10. DPF light, no manual on me - what driving do i need to do to clear it?

    DPF light on TDi FR - wadda I need to do? I do a mix of motorway and round town driving - surprised it come on really.
  11. DPF and fault code - any ideas?

    Hi guys had a fault code come up on sat - "16586 P0202 Cyl.2, Injector Circuit Fault in electrical circuit" but car driving fine so took the code off. Car been fine until today when it felt lumpy and the DPF warning came on for the first time of owning it (30,000 miles) and driving not changed -...
  12. flashp

    Where's the man with the remap and DPF off?

    Having a :censored: good day imagine. I can't remember who he was, but I do remember that he was going to pick his car up today from Custom Code with fewer parts fitted. Can't wait to hear how the DPF removal and map have turned out...keep us all updated fella!!!!
  13. DPF Removal Software and Hardware Released

    as per title, thought it would be useful if we had a thread dedicated to this in this section as a few people were talking about getting it done Question is who is first! lol http://seatcupra.net/forums/showthread.php?t=211142
  14. Seat Leon FR TDI DPF issue

    I have recently changed jobs and my daily commute to work there and back is around 12 miles and im worried about the dpf getting damaged with constant short journeys given the fact that this component is not covered under warranty. My question is would i be better off trading the car for a...
  15. White_Lady_170

    Leon Tdi FR 170 owners - Milltek DPF removal downpipe

    Wanting to Remap my car and have been holding off and holding off to see what comes of the DPF issue... Milltek seem to have a downpipe to remove the DPF. Who has fitted this and what are your experiences?
  16. n0ble

    DPF & Engine light?

    Hi, I have a leon fr TDI 170 From time to time i get the engine light on and then around 50miles later i get the DPF light. Checked out the engine light and its the exhaust gas pressure, Seat tested the part and they say the part is fine. Is it possible that the DPF is causing the...
  17. sdownie1

    DPF off

    Had a phone call this morning from a well known mapping company that i had e-mailed last week about a remap.They could give me an extra 25 BHP and 35 lb/ft of torque for £399 and this would take them 4-6 hours.Or the other option would be a DPF off (since i had expressed a concern in my e-mail...
  18. How long for the DPF?

    Does any one know how long a DPF filter is supposed to last and how often you are supposed to change it? Thanks.
  19. 170 dpf

    Hi Guys, Currently have my 1.9TDI which is great, but keep thinking that i could update as motor is now 3yrs old. I have two options, wait till May 2009 for the Exeo (slighty more grown up approach) to launch with the 170 dPF or even more interesting is the Leon facelift due in Dec 09...
  20. dpf light coming on

    Hi everyone just a quick dpf question I had noticed over the past few days the car was a bit hesitant in say fourth gear at low revs then I was driving yesterday and my dpf light came on. This is the second time the light has come on is there anything I should be worrying about? The car is only...
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