
  1. Lambo Doors? Leon Germany

    Hey Guys, I´m from Germany. And my question is. Do you have Lambo Doors in england are there any Seat´s around? Please look at my Car at the Newbee sektion, and give me some Comments about my Car. Regards from Germany Here the Link...
  2. Auto locking doors??

    has anyone been able to make there ibiza auto lock over 15mph and unlock when you remove the key?? tried it on vag-com but cant access the central locking part to be able to do it?? just done it on the mrs lupo gti, and want to do it too mine any info would be good, cheers ian
  3. Space Coyote

    Water Coming from Rear Doors After Rain or Washing

    I have an '06 (June) 2.0 TDi Sport. I cannot remember if this happens for both rear doors, but when I open the offside rear door after it has rained or I have washed it I get what seems like a lot of water coming from the bottom of the door. I have read up on the "wetwindows" thing, but I...
  4. Sound Deadening Front Doors Ibiza 2004

    Hi Folks, going to stick some Focal's 165 KP's in the doors of my Ibiza2004 (three door). Do I need to do some sound deadening. If so, what is the material called and how is it applied? I will most likely also move the current front speakers to the back. I saw that there is a lot of space in...
  5. lambo doors Anyone bought this from ebay or tried a conversion, there's bound to be some nut on here that has done it.;)
  6. leon7284

    Whats under the black bit on the doors???

    I mean the section where the two doors meet between the windows front front to rear doors. Only ask as my drivers door as been :censored: on various walls and needs repairing before rust sets in but was thinking or remove the above at same time??? Also wanted to get the strips removed and filled...
  7. Auto Locking doors when moving

    I test drove a few Ibizas before finally finding the one the missus thought was a 'nice' colour. On one of the SE's the doors locked when you started moving, was this a optional extra from factory? Cheers
  8. Please Help, rear doors!

    Still having major problems with my rear doors. They have been stuck locked now for ages so i thought I'd best do something about it. Managed to get the door card off and replaced the central locking motor and the actual lock. Put it all back together and it still doesn't work! You can now open...
  9. coxxic

    knocking inside doors

    has anybody else problem with locking system ? (rear doors) which makes knocking when car runs over pot-holes ? Seems to be poorly attach to door frame. It has started at driver side, dealer solves it (tightens the lock), but doors r little bit hard to close. Guess, its not right way to...
  10. LCR Rear Doors Sometimes Deadlocked

    Dear All, For some strange reason one of mine rear doors, it can be the drivers or passenger side. When I use the remote fob to unlock the car one of the rears doors sometimes does not unlock. It is deadlocked, as using the handle will not unlocked the door still. It is only when I use the...
  11. Sealant for doors - which one??

    I have now tried re sealing my doors on my 99 Toldedo but yet again I have 2 pools of water now in the from footwells as well as the back. I tried using just a bathroom sealant, but this obviously hasn't worked, so can anyoine recommend a sealant that will work. Thanks
  12. smiff

    Rub strips on doors

    Simple one for you are the rub strips just stuck on or are their holes and clips in the doors thanks :D
  13. Will my Doors lock barrel swap with boot lock?

    My Key wont open the boot manually, i am delocking the drivers and passengers doors, but i need access via the boot incase the central locking fails. Qs- Will the lock barrel come out of my door and go into the boot? Why doesnt my boot lock F'in work? the key wont rotate?? If i buy a new...
  14. MMCrewcupra

    Wiring thru the Rubber pipes in the doors

    Hi guys im looking to run seperate speaker wire from an amp to each door, when u open the door you can see the black rubber guard/tube thing protecting all the wires, what i want to no, is it easy to push another speaker wire thru that too, or am i going to truggle,
  15. thebeno

    Doors keep locking!!!

    Well, I live in a nice little town, Retford. Not Nottingham, London or Liverpool!! I am fairly certain that I will not get car jacked in the near future, so how do I turn this annoying auto-door lock rubbish off?
  16. loonymoon

    Moan about Ibiza doors and parking.

    Anyone else find that the doors on the Ibiza don't seem to have enough natural "stopping" points and swing quite wide when opening in a confined place? I find this a real pain when trying to get out in a normal parking space - especially if close to another car. I have to hang on to the door to...
  17. AEM

    Auto lock/unlock doors

    Hi Just had my new DAB delivered and the auto lock/unlock of the doors has not been turned on. I seem to remember I read a few years ago when I had my last Ibiza that some kind of combination of pressing the central locking button on the drivers door can activate / deactivate this...
  18. Mk 2 Toledo rear doors (and door cards) same as Leon?

    Are th Mk2 Toledo rear doors (and door cards) the same as a MK1 Leon? Please help ASAP. Many Thanks
  19. rear doors holding water

    Have noticed this for a while that the rear doors of my 52plate cupra release water when I open them, no water gets in the car it all just sits trapped between the inner door seal and the side skirt. I read ages ago about a "fix" of some sort for this problem on the rear doors, anyone have...
  20. Leon keyring has new batteries, but can´t open my doors

    Leon keyring has new batteries, but can´t open my doors automatically. Any ideas??
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