
  1. lofer

    The APR R1 diverter valve

    Anyone running the new APR R1 diverter valve? Did a search couldn’t find anyone. Just wondered how people are finding it? If anyone actually has one that is!!! :blink:
  2. craig lcr

    Hyperboost HX Compact Diverter Valve

    hi has anyone used one of these on a cupra R.are they worth the money etc. Hyperboost HX Compact Diverter Valve by Stratmosphere Replaces the factory-fit Bosch diverter valve to provide a faster response and more reliable operation. Reduces lag and sharpens throttle-response - meaning...
  3. cresswell22

    diverter valve

    what would happen if the diverter valve was the wrong way round
  4. choosing a diverter valve

    hi guys i have just bought a leon cupra r 2004 model (225bhp), i am looking to buy a forge slitter valve (FMDVSPLTR). any feed back on this product would be great, or any advise on which one is the best...
  5. diverter valves

    bosch do one that is atmsopheric to suit seat turbos, done alot of searchy stuff and im at the conclusion they dont work on our cars. im not after whooshy whooshy as my cone filter provides that anyway. just wondering if this would work thou? i should jsu get a forge shouldnt i?
  6. Mr Roboto

    Cold Side Diverter Valve Relocation Kit Worth doing or Not?

    Have been thinking of doing this mod for a while now but would like to hear your views on it first. Forge's Cold Side Diverter Valve Relocation Kit . Cheers
  7. diverter valve and dump valve could you have both???

    :help: i wonder if you could have both or would one conflict against the other?
  8. keithrann

    Forge 007P & GFB Diverter Valve

    Hi there. I've tried searching for the answer to this but can't find anything much relating the 2. Just about to purchase a Forge 007P for my LCR (Think this is the right model number) but have heard about these blow off valves which also fit to my car. Think it is called the GFB Diverter...
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