
  1. Need Front Brake Discs and Pads that at least as good as standard

    Hi all, Know there have been many brakes discs and pads thread, but most seem to revolve around which are the best, and seen many good suggestions (e.g. Ferodo DS2500 + EBC Ultimax). But I'm looking for front discs and pad (1.8T Cupra, 312mm) that will be better than the standard VAG ones...
  2. discs n pads

    where's the most reasonable place to get discs n pads, i need discs that go with brembo's that are i think off an ibiza cupra r n red stuff pads, cheers mandy:D
  3. Cheap Discs and Pads Experiences please

    Has anyone used these discs and pads before?? ttp://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270482119810&fromMakeTrack=true Put an h at the start of above link to see the ones im talking about, £70 inc delivery seems pretty cheap to me. Seller gets decent feedback also! Liklely to...
  4. New uprated discs fitted.

    Got my new custom discs fitted today after I managed to ruin the old ones after 9 months and 9,000 miles. Learnt the expensive way that the cupra doesnt have brake wear sensors [:@] They have 8 grooves in them, After plenty of research and confusion, I finally got hold of something that I...
  5. Can't Get EBC Discs...

    Hey All, I'm new around here...! Been browsing the forum for a while, but only just joined. I appreciate there are plenty of posts about brakes/discs/pads etc. But this one is tricky, and I'm not too sure what to do... I need new front discs (323mm) for my 55 LCR, and fully intended to...
  6. Will Audi 225 discs fit a Cupra?

    There's a set of new Audi 225 discs for sale cheap and was wondering if they fit straight on? If not, where's cheapest to get a set of discs and pads for a tdi Cupra? Cheers, James
  7. Brake discs?

    Hi guys, I ordered a set of drilled and grooved discs. The fronts are 312mm, will they fit straight onto my mark 4 ibiza cupra? Thanks Chris :D
  8. cracked discs

    evening all, both rear discs have cracks in on my 57 frtdi bearing in mine the car has done 31k would this still be a warranty claim? thanks in advance Ade
  9. Brake discs and pads

    Hi guys, My discs and pads need replacing, I've been seeing what the options are but right now all I can see is the ebc greenstuff combo, I saw a thread where someone had some Tarox F200 discs but can't seem to see these anywhere, even on the Tarox website, they only appear to have the MK1...
  10. Craigus

    Any guides or advice on changing rear discs and pads on LCR

    I have changed the fronts many times, on allsorts of different cars, But i have a problem when it comes to what to do on the rear, I know its the same sort of idea as the front, i.e. Removing the caliper - removing pads - removing disc - Fitting new discs and pads, The only thing...

    Zinc coated discs?

    HI Just about to order some grooved discs from CRN and not sure if I shouod go for the ZINC coated option. Its and extra £25.00 but would be worth it if it stops them rusting. I usually paint the inners of the discs in HT paint but this does not of course stop the outer edge rusting...

    Crn brake discs

    hI Saw some grooved discs (front & rear) and DS2500 pads on EBAY for £350. Anyone have any experience with CRN products? Cheers JONNYVT
  13. opinions on these brake discs and pads

    cannot post links yet but these are on ebay Leon-TDi-150-Drilled-Grooved-Brake-Discs-Pads-Front-Rear anyone think its a good deal? are they decent? any help appreciated.
  14. 1.9 tdi front discs

    Bought a brand new set of front and rear discs and pads for my 05 1.9tdi stylance, started fitting today, rears all done before lunch, but when box opened for fronts the discs were only 280mm and the pads all had three pronged clips attached. My discs are 288mm and only the inboard fronts have...
  15. ConradJellyfish

    1.8T Cupra uprated front brakes discs and pads

    My front brakes are a bit passed it and decided to uprate them at the same time. Does anybody recommend a good disc and pad combination. Going to be doin some tracks days and fast road etc. Some makes and links would be really helpful, ive used the search but nothing really stuck out...
  16. AlexGSi2000

    Rear Discs, 4 or 5 stud?

    Just to confirm, are the rear discs on a standard 2001 Cupra 4 stud? Just spent a few hours removing my old rear discs, only to find out iv been sent 5 stud replacments :cry: Been putting it off for ages aswell!
  17. Fitting Rear Brake Discs.

    Hi, I'm gonig to fitting some rear discs to my V5 170 toledo next week, would like some help on how to fit them. I have looked on the forum but unable to find any post. Anyhelp would be Greatfull. :confused::confused::confused:
  18. hoggers

    Discs & Pads

    Mine need replacing soon and i was wondering what you recommend? Many Thanks Ben
  19. Rear Pads and Discs

    Does anyone have a guide on how to replaced rear pads and discs on a LCR 225 2005 05 plate?
  20. How much for standard rear discs and pads?

    Judging by the amount of rust I think I need new discs and the pads are pretty low too. How much am I gonna have to spend to have the rear set replaced on my 04 Cupra? Also has anyone used Autotechnic VAG specialists in Reading? Cheers
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