
  1. Custom painted Forge Front Mount Intercooler

    Hi all my, front mount intercooler was looking abit weathered so i painted it today,got a template from forge very helpful,so if anyone wants to borrow it there more than welcome;)
  2. Klang J

    Custom Code or Celtic Tunining REmap

    Both maps are about the same price but which is the one to go for? CC are quoting 200 - 210 bhp Celtic T around 220 on a side note Are mobile tuners ok? - in the case of Celtic T?
  3. jam666999

    (cubby hole size) Custom pod pics 27/02/09

    I wonder if any of you kind people could measure the size of the cubby hole for me, Width, Height and depth is what im after. I havnt got my car at the moment so cant do it myself. Much Appreciated Jamie
  4. mrvavavoom

    custom code

    taking my cupra mk1 leon to custom code next saturday for a stage 2 remap jus wondering if any of you guys have had this done and what your figures are, by the way its going for a full blueflame turbo back with sportcat on the thursday before:p:D
  5. evo2345

    My Custom honeycomb grill

    Took me over two months to get perfect but well worth it i think;). What do you guys reckon?
  6. knight85

    custom licence plates

    looking to get a set for my mk4 FR, was wondering where other members got theirs from? found a few place on the internet.....that looked reasonable. was wondering the legality of different fonts? is the only legal font the standard UK font? cheers
  7. Nev_LCR

    LCR Custom FMIC guide FINISHED and TESTED

    this is only a guide to follow, i will not be held responsable for any problems you may have, ok its really easy this is what i orded.
  8. elliott87

    custom code or revo ect...?

    just looking for your views on this. i know alot of people will say 'stick with VAG dudes' or 'revo all the way' but i wanna know why? whats wrong with a custom code for your car? after all, every1's car runs differently.

    where can i pick one of these up from and will i gat any gains from it at all? i.e bigger bhp or holding peak bhp for longer?
  10. s1l3nc3r

    custom exhaust size.

    right after much thought and searching ive decided to get a custom exhaust mainly because the cat back stainless system is only £230 (cash deal)lol. and im having a look at gettin them to do a downpipe aswell. but what size do you think would be best for the system and downpipe should i stick to...
  11. jwfcms

    Custom code remap people?

    Hi, I am changing my remap on tuesday from my current one which i wasnt happy with the service at the place etc a few months back. i have decided to change the remap to one of which many people seem to use, Custom Code.. i am just wondering if any of you have this map what sort of figures...
  12. Custom front door builds

    Hey folks Has any of you got custom door pockets on your mk2 ibiza's or cordoba's? I looking to upgrade my speakers with some Alpine S-types but they too deep so the window does'nt go all the way down. I know there's shallow speakers out there, just thought i'd check if there's such...
  13. hubbly_bubbly

    Leon Custom Sound Install

    Hiya Finally got my (o so necessary) sound installed in the Cupra. Consisting of Sony 10" Slimline sub, Starsound Digital amp and custom back board. I used to have 2 x 12" subs in a custom box in my peug...ceredes benz i mean. Big box meant no boot and i been enjoying the leon boot so much...
  14. Craigbarnley

    Custom code or Forge remap

    hi guys just wondering what your thoughts are on both these remaps as i live close to both places i have ibiza tdi fr 130 i have a pd160 intake and green filter. was just wondering if anyone has had this done to there tdi what sought of results they saw and basically who you would reccommend...
  15. volvic

    Stage 1 Remap vs Custom Remap + Clutch

    Hi folks, This is a question that only people that have had stage 1 remaps AND THEN after had a custom remap with an up-rated clutch at a later date can answer from experience. Stage 1 remap will see a PD150 around 180-195bhp and 295lb ft (for clutch health) @ £265^ Custom remap +...
  16. DOLBY

    custom code ph 2..opinions?

    to the people who have had CCph2 on there leons can you tell me what it is like?..been told the boost isnt cranked up any higher its just held at higher rpm...had a searchy and there literally is nothing, i remember a while back someone did a review on there leon..can i find it?..hell no...
  17. Robbie C

    Custom FMIC - design considerations

    OK so I know this topic has been covered quite expansively before now but after reading through countless threads I've decided I'm probably going to go for a custom Forge FMIC in the next couple of months. Next year I'll be running a Hybrid K03S setup (Turbo Dynamics MD445) with all...
  18. GeorgeF

    stage 1 revo or custom code?

    i wana get stage 1 done, just wana know what ppl are running and if there is much difference?
  19. Sportrider

    What Remap? im thinking Revo or custom code?

    Hi all i was going to post this in the revo and/or custom code forums but as its both i had to post it here. i have decided im getting a remap......maybe before christmas (more than likely after) i have had 2 prices 312 from cc and 349 from revo the reason im more inclined to get a...
  20. custom code remap

    hi there iv recently visited vw midlands performance and have been told to get a custom code remap iv been wanted a map for some time now but my car hasnt been running great i was originaly going for a revo but need some advice on which to get? the customs £315 and revo about £400 any advice...
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