
  1. Cov Meet/ SCN Crash

    Hi all, heres the long awaited photos from Sat Cov meet.
  2. Willie

    LCR driver killed on North East road crash
  3. Car Crash - Help Needed?

    Nightmare, just been crashed into by some saxo chav boy [:@]:censored: I have never had a crash so not 100% sure what to do! The young chav in a saxo admitted that it was his fault and l got him to write it down along with his deatils. He then tells me he has no MOT [:@] I took loads of...
  4. Empi5

    Porsche Crash at Thruxton

    Video of Porsche Crash at Thruxton I just took a clip of the crash of the tele on my phone, not the best quality but you get the picture.
  5. Spud_G40

    Removing front crash bar (for FMIC)

    Has anyone completely removed their front crash bar? I am thinking if i moved that I could cut out the number plate recess and allow alot more air into my FMIC, and just have a square motorbike no. plate at the side. But is it a very stupid idea (safety wise)? My bro had to do this to his...
  6. My Ibiza GTi (Crash Damaged) Nothing Exciting!

    I bought this at the weekend to strip parts off it for my MK4 Polo. Originally, I was considering getting it back onto the road but decided it was too much hassle and that I only wanted the 1 car anyway. It was going to end up at the scrappers, but I stepped in. Although eventually it will be...
  7. LCR Crash

    Hey guys, I'm in France and back ended a 4x4 in the ice. Didnt have a Green Card so i'm paying for the damage to my LCR out of my pocket. I knackered the bumper, radiator and bonnet. Damage didnt look too bad, no chassis damage and the front left and right wings are fine. However, the...
  8. New crash pics hot off the press

    had a little self examination today, doesnt look promising :( a liitle crunpled as you can see from the opposite side (below). I hope they can repair it, not sure how many their are about? Picking it up in the morning we will have to wait and see!:crash:
  9. Crash 16v Update!

    Ok the past few months aint been the best for the Green Machine with me crashing into the back of someone at a roundabout 2 times :cry: Gutted isnt the word!!! Anyway, the first time was just a broken front bumper + wing work - no problem all sorted and looking good. The 2nd time however...
  10. Crash at Meadowhall??????

    So who is the lad with the red FR all stickered up who crashed at Meadowhall last night???? Hows the car??
  11. Fishy

    Crash Safety!

    Well tonight some fool in either his son's or son-lin-law's Focus tried to park in the boot of the Leon! :censored: But on a good note the the Leon held up better than I expected, yet the fungus was not looking at all well. Pics can be found HERE So off to the dealers in the morning...
  12. chrisbond69

    crash!!!! bits need replacing help please

    can anyone help just had a little scuff in my ibiza when i checked it over everything seems to be ok apart from these bits. the main bit under thats over the two side grill bits and the headlight. the bumper seems to be sitting down about half centimetre on the offside front it moves back up...
  13. crash damage

    car was on stand today at fast and modified. car looked amazing all day, gleeming so it was ! coming home, dozy woman slams on the brakes infront of me when it hits an amber and i swerve to miss her, my n/s wing hits her rear bumper. now, i can see im lucky, all i need is a new n/s wing...
  14. Brummy

    Mrs Brummy had crash ...

    tonight, coming home... car in front turning right into a cul-de-sac.. my missus stopped , dozy bint in an old 's' plate Astra shunted her from behind .. Mrs Brum ended up being 'shunted ' into the car in front! (a Bimmer).. so my Mk4 now has front and rear damage. Shes' got a touch of whiplash...
  15. Ibiza Front Crash Bar

    I really need an Ibiza Mk3 Front Crash Bar. I've just taken my Forge FMIC and don't have the standard to fit. I'm hoping someone can provide the following... 1 for sale? part number? rough idea on cost? Cheers.
  16. LeakyTurnip

    Leon Crash Test

    Well the new Leon was crash tested...and it got....4 Stars! :wtf: What's that all about, the Altea got five seems that you need to score 33 points to get 5 Stars and the Leon scored 32...what a result! On the plus side if you ever get knocked down by one you might get off a bit...
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