
  1. DaNnY_LaD

    W.O.T Box & 2-step launch control

    Right as im hearing nothing but good things about this kit....Ive desided to get one for the Gt2x... How Hard is it to wirer up ? How much is it and were can i get it from? Does it act as some sort of anti-lag and is it ok for normal town driving and will only work when Bootin it... Any...
  2. beezanick

    cruise control

    I tried fitting cruise control today, and I thought everything was going well... Have just finished wiring and recoded the ECU. No fault codes were found when it was running, but when I turned the cruise on (engine idleing, not being driven) the engine cut out. Vag-com found a fault to say...
  3. can cruise control be fitted to a ibiza cupra 02?

    sorry im new to the forum and ibiza's just had one and was wondering if you ncan fit cruise control? many thanksss:D
  4. Retro-fit Cruise Control DIY?

    Hi folks, new on this particular forum so here goes! Got an '07 Ibiza Cupra TDi 160 and need to know the VAG part numbers for a retro-fit cruise control kit, the stalks, loom etc? If anyone knows what, then any ideas how much too? Cheers!
  5. Traction Control Light won't turn off and Glow Plug light is flashing too :(

    Drove to work this morning and noticed after a couple of minutes driving that the TCS light was on. I pressed the button a couple of times and nothing happened. I pulled over and restarted the car, but the light stayed on. I pressed the traction control light a couple more times, and the glow...
  6. climate control problem

    Hey, im new to the seat scene. I did search before i posted this and couldnt find any info. Twice in the last 2 weeks, ive got in the car after popping in the shop and my climate control unit have had any light display on or and display (temp or fan strength) when ive started the car...
  7. dual climate control

    hi, just registered on site!....had my toledo for around a month and getting a bit annoyed with dual climate control, having to operate both sides individually. Does anyone know if there are any settings which enable you to operate them both by the drivers side??
  8. New Cruise Control

    Just got back from having cruise control fitted at Unit18. It's awesome! :happy: Stuck it at 70 (ish) and cruised all the way.... Managed a very neat 55mpg from my 1.9Tdi (PD100) I would like to give a MASSIVE thanks to Ross at Unit18 for a perfect fitting and fantastic service. Worked...
  9. basemanuk

    traction control

    i have a 1.8t LC and find that i loose alot of traction when pulling away. you can feel the wheels spinning and the tcs light flickers at me on the dash! has anyone any suggestions on what to do. not only is it wearing down my front tyes its also frustrating if you want to get away fairly quick...
  10. Emission Control System Warning light

    anyone had problems with this light coming on? Mine came on and flashed then went off had it to the garage and they said compression is low on cylinder 3 then they changed the coil pack and said see how that goes. all seems ok but will go for a drive in the morn. oh forgot to say say its a...
  11. how can i fit cruise control to a mk1 leon tdi fr 150

    Hello there people ! i'm new to this web site as i've only just bought a mk1 seat leon fr tdi 150 and i've seen lots of good things and replys to people questions. so i was thinking maybe you guys would be able to help me along with fitting cruise control to my 55 plate leon. i know they do a...
  12. bozwellox

    Climate control problem?

    I began noticing last summer that my climate control didn't seem to be working quite as well as it used to, so the other day I got it regassed at Kwik Fit (£25!). But it doesn't seem to have made a difference. The problem isn't that it's not blowing cold air, if you put it on the LOW setting it...
  13. Locking remote control

    Hi everyone, havnt posted on here for a long time. Im just wondering if I could purchase a remote central locking kit for my car. Its a 1.6 s mk1 leon. The car never came with the remote as it got lost. Is there a kit i could get and install my self which would allow me to use the current...
  14. Cruise Control

    Hi, was thinking on putting cruise control onto my cupra tdi. I was reading before buying that I should check if it is compatible by reving to 2000rpm and pushing on the brake and the revs should return to 0 for the cruise control to be compatible. Well i tried and nope it stayed at 2000rpm...
  15. m.r.davies

    climate control - not keeping constant temperature

    I was on a long journey recently and had the climate control set to 20 degree's However i noticed a physical change in the temperature, throughout the journey, the climate still read 20, but we were much colder in the car compared with the rest of the journey I think it maybe my pionner...
  16. wisejason

    Climate Control - Constant rushing sound

    As the title states... My climate control has a constant rushing sound, almost like water forcing its way past an almost closed valve. It is loud enough to here even when the radio is on low (volumn 10-12). I'm thinking about getting it re-filled but that would be a waste it the issue is...
  17. andreww

    Cruise control on 20VT what is it like for MPG?

    I am thinking of retrofitting cruise control to my 1.8VT FR, however I was wondering if the car driving its self at a steady rate would provide better fuel economy than my foot driving at a reasonably steady rate. I'm talking motorway driving generally keeping under 3000rpm (~ 70mph). I...
  18. modd1uk

    Traction control button ?

    Can you buy just the button as a replacement ? Somehow mines fallen off and it looks asthough some pegs are broken off it. Its fitted back in and seems secure but would rather replace it. Cheers guys.
  19. benuk

    Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) displayed through climate control?

    Does anyone know which code (on the climate control hidden menu) on a 2004 Ibiza 1.9 TDI 130 Sport will display the Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) in deg C ? Is it correct you turn on the hidden menu by doing the following.. ? .. Turn on recirculation, then press the 5 middle buttons at...
  20. Wazuke

    Traction Control Light?

    Hi Guys, For some strange reason, after a while of driving my Traction control light appears on the dash. Iv tried turning the TCS on and off, doesnt work. If i turn the ignition off and on again, it disappears? Any ideas? Cheers, Anthony
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