
  1. Climate Control System Niggle

    Hello all, I'm trying to sort a small niggle with this system on my wife's Leon. She has the dual-zone system (driver and passenger independant temerature zones), but we don't like the way it works! On my Octavia which has an almost identical system, the driver's temp control acts as...
  2. Abs and traction control light

    abs and traction controll light have come on anyone no what this could be
  3. New tyres, traction control problems

    hi guys, on monday i got my new tyres fitted to the front. i had 205/40/16 bridgestone turanzas on before and ive now got 195/40/16 toyo t1-r's fitted. Tuesday morning i drove to Heathrow and i noticed that when i got to around 50mph in 6th gear i attempted to accelerate to 70mph but my traction...
  4. Emmission Control Light / Air Intake Motor

    Hi, New to the boards, and know very little about cars! I had the emmission control light come on during Xmas, but due to an impending service I have let it go for a week or so. I had my service yesterday and asked them to investigate (I know about VAG-COM, but it only cost me £25 for...
  5. EPC and emission control system lights on?

    Hi, I have a Ibiza DAB (56). Both the EPC and Emission control system lights came on when i started it up this morning. I've never seen these lights on before. Also when i start the car up it lacks in power. But when i turn the car off and switch it straight back on the cars power returns but...
  6. ashley600

    cruise control not working???

    help cruise control decided not to play today, had a quick search and have checked the brake light switch which is fine. any ideas anyone??
  7. AntneeUK

    Standard Air-Con to Climate Control

    Can't see whether this has ever been covered before or not... I have just received a new Climatronic unit for my LCR (well, I say new, one from a broken Leon) which I'll fit to my car soon because the screen is loosing LCD sections. Firstly, I'm assuming they're a straight swap? IE I just...
  8. rod the sod

    Traction control problem

    Hey, i have recently changed the clutch on my mk4 pd130 and noticed that after about 10 minutes of driving the traction control light comes on and stays lit! has any one have an idea what may be causing this? My alternator (battery) light is also flicking on and off, especially when the car...
  9. critch4

    traction control

    alright lads, happy christmas and all that. does anyone know if you can take the traction control off the 16v? its p*ssing me off in the snow, my right foot isnt a mug!
  10. Does the ABF have any kind of traction control or ESP?

    Hi guys, Been messing around in the snow, like you do, in my ibiza 2.0 16v abf and when i got stuck a couple of times my car started developing a nasty grinding noise coming from the dashboard when I tried to get going again, the wheels weren't spinning when this noise was present and the...

    Leon climate control

    Hi all, Just changed from Sport to LCR and have now owned a leon for over 8 years. I had hoped that they would have removed the below 3 dgs failsafe on the Climate but no the ****** thing will still not clear the inside screen on a frost morn. The AC on my wife's clio is fine at any temp...
  12. Bent steering Rack Control rod.

    Well last night the snow/ice made me slide into a kerb at low speed & its made my tracking toe out. After further inspection the Near Side Front control rod is bent. How much roughly do you think it would cost for the part & labour (1.2 sx). I hope you can get the control rod on its...
  13. Climate control

    My 02 seat toledo se model has the knobs to control the heat etc. Is it possible to wire in a climate control and would it be a whole wiring operation or a plug in job?? Any ideas???
  14. '06 1.4 emission control light after a long run

    My son's got a bit of a strange one with his '06 1.4 - the emissions control light (yellow engine symbol) comes on and it's a bit erratic at low revs (makes pulling out of junctions a bugger!) but it's only done it twice and both time after a long motorway run. Here's the bit that makes it...
  15. Traction control light staying on LCR

    As above any one else had this problem or herd of it? traction control light is permantly on! In my case its on a lcr if that helps. thankyou.
  16. P1136 - Manufacturer Control

    Hey guys, I had this code come up last Sunday (22nd Nov), P1136 - Manufacturer Control. When I went to clear the code, I checked what it was at first and it came up as the above. (I was expecting it to be the usual Incorrect Air FLow bollocks that I usually get). I cleared it last tuesday...
  17. Climate control issue

    Just as the winter starts to kick in aswell.. :( Basically my fans are only blowing a very small amount of air out and it's only cold air even when set to 'Hi' or any other temp and with a warm engine. So it's 3 degrees outside and often even colder inside the car now. Also, when I put it...
  18. GlanzaV

    LCR Climate Control Problem (?)

    Hey, I've had the LCR for about 2-3months now and everythings been brilliant, but on the way down the road my GF noticed the blower level was ramping up and down, but we never heard the blowers getting any louder or quiter?? It seems to go on and off but no air is coming out any of the...
  19. XDS + Traction Control

    The XDS e-diff sounds like something that will help the handling but the Traction Control seems more like a safety feature. On my mk4 cupra in the wet its a real pain and can sometimes cut the power quite violently. Is there an option on the new FR/Cupra to turn off the TCS/EPS and leave on...
  20. idle control valve ?

    hi can anybody tell me where the idle control valve is on my mk 1 leon 1.6 8v. i have no idea where it is. :think:
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