
  1. Alana - Ipod ISO connector 8 Pin - Help ????

    Im looking to buy a Dension Ice link + so i can use the my Ipod Nano with the Alana Headunit... Ive seen the ones that dension do which are £100 but..... On ebay there is one for VAG cars with an 8 pin Iso connector for £75 new... Does anyone know if the 8 pin connector is the right one...
  2. 16 Pin Connector

    Where abouts is the connection on a 1997 Seat ibiza?
  3. Space Coyote

    MP3 Head Unit - CD Changer Connector - How Many Pins?

    I'm getting closer to getting my Dension Ice-Link installed in my 2.0 TDi Sport, but apparantly I need to know the size of the CD changer connector in the back of the head. Does anyone have this information to hand? It's the MP3 version if that helps. Thanks
  4. spyke85

    Seat ipod connector

    Has anyone had this fitted, particularly into a Mk4 Ibiza? If so please can you post some pictures.
  5. mchubb

    VAG Connector

    Ok, probably a really stupid question coming up, but its dark outside and I can't seem to easily find the port where I can connect my VAG connector to? :headhurt:
  6. anyone know where is the OBD connector in the León?

    Thanks in advance
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