
  1. djscorch

    Oil - where is it coming from?

    It looks like i'm missing a seal in pic 1, there is oil all round the plug* in pic 2, where will the oil be coming from, the plug or the mising seal? I think the missing seal is allowing some play in the fuel rail* which may be allowing some oil to escape as the engine moves under load. *...
  2. Help Needed - Clunking Sound Coming from under my Leon

    Help Just popped out to the shops and lunchtime and as I pulled back into my drive there was a serious clunking sound coming from underneath my Leon. Just been back out in and it its seems to have settled down, bar the seat belt adjuster rattling like nothing. All I can think is I live...
  3. Loud screeching noise coming from the steering when turning on full lock

    Hi, Just bought a 1998 Ibiza 1.9tdi and there is a loud screeching squeeling noise which can be heard when the steering wheel is getting near to be on full lock/ Is this a problem with the power steering pump? Cheers Loic
  4. Second Service Coming Up - Your opinions?

    Hi All, I Have an Ibiza 1.2 on a 55 plate so it is due for its second service next month. Apparently I will be charged well over £200 for this, nearly twice the price of the first service when the car was one year old. Despite this, it seems a lot of the things that I "gained" from the...
  5. ZBOYD

    Get Ready London – SEAT and the Red Bull Air Race are Coming!

    London is bracing itself for one of most spectacular sports on the planet – the Red Bull Air Race – and SEAT will be there for the ride! The thrilling event will take place over the River Thames, with The O2 (formerly the Millennium Dome) forming a dramatic back drop. It is the first time the...
  6. Chrisdaman

    MOT coming up, need some help please

    right my MOT is up in august, wanna do it before it runs out so that if it does fail i can fix it and drive it legally. one thing that might fail it is the exhaust. i have a slight blow coming from the welds jut behind the backbox. Not the backbox itself, but the exhaust tubing running up to...
  7. Space Coyote

    Water Coming from Rear Doors After Rain or Washing

    I have an '06 (June) 2.0 TDi Sport. I cannot remember if this happens for both rear doors, but when I open the offside rear door after it has rained or I have washed it I get what seems like a lot of water coming from the bottom of the door. I have read up on the "wetwindows" thing, but I...
  8. lard44

    So now I know where the leak's coming from...

    ...but I don't know what to do about it! Basically I took out my pollen filter last night and found a puddle underneath it. It looks like water has practically been gushing through both sides of the filter - it's properly soaked! So dryed it out, and the carpet with the missus' hair dryer...
  9. mrruss

    FR coming next week!

    Spoke to my dealer today and it appears my FR is on a transporter, winging it's way to the dealer. I have insurance sorted, my new reg number, and once the number plates and mudflaps have been fitted, I will be picking it up next Thursday :funk: Dealer is doing the mudflaps fitted for £75...
  10. jaketalbot

    M.O.T is coming up!!

    i've got the M.O.T coming up in july, and i've got quite a few things that i know it will fail for!, my magnex backbox has lost a rubber hanger at the back near the bumper so is dangerling down slightly! but i can put that back once got a rubber hanger, but there is the usual rattle coming from...
  11. paradigm

    Fans not coming on

    Recently, my LCR has started to overheat when staying still (first noticed it on the M6 in a gridlock), and it appears that the car is shuddering when trying to start the fans, but not actually managing to start them at all. Is there anything simple to check, or is this going to cost me an...
  12. ABS coming on when braking lightly

    First of all well done on keeping the forum going. Its always answered my issues before.. but now its a tricky question. I have a 55 plate Leon FR Tdi which started being funny about two weeks ago (and its not making me laugh type funny). Well heres the issue.. When coming to a slow...
  13. Boi Ninja

    help! smoke coming from interior

    i just got back from driving to the ATM machine and a problem occurred. smoke was coming out from the fans and a smell of like steaming water ?? damn i was planning to go out tommrw and i def need it for an exam on monday grr. the water temp showd normal, there was no spewing of anything i could...
  14. just revo'd... pipe coming loose in engine

    Hey guys, just asking if anyone has had a similar problem- Just had the car revo'd and on the way back lost all power and on comes warning lights. Call the revo man out and we found that the hose connecting the pipe that runs toward the DV had come off. Clipped it back on with the spring clip...
  15. r30lac

    Coming & Leaving Lights

    Sorry if this has been posted before but I can't find it.... :confused: I have the standard spec FR with the small MFD, when we leave the headlights on and lock the car they go off after 30 seconds or so. (The wife likes this feature especially in the M&S car park) But when we return to...
  16. What other reasons for the TC light coming on???

    Have had this problem for a while now... Car was feeling sluggish so logged maf airflow and was down to 90ish.... So put it down to the maf and got a refurb 1 from seat..... Things haven't changed much, still feels sluggish (althought strangely feels a bit better since its warmed up slightly...
  17. TT for Sales TDI FR Leon Coming but need help!

    Well i am selling my lovely TT Black 270BHP Quattro and get a company car. (If anyone want a nice Black one give me a shout!) SO I am getting a nice TDI FR 170 Was very happy with the drive and performance and styling. NOW what colour should i get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :doh...
  18. EdButler

    'Ticking' noise coming from Pollen Filter area.

    Hey guys! First of all... no its not a bomb! Ive got this really annoyying ticking/clicking noise coming from the Pollen filter area of my car. If tried taking it out and cleaning it and its still always there (although it did once disappear for 5 minutes once the PF was out) The...
  19. Service and MOT coming up ! Surrey.

    Hi peeps, Just thought I'd try and ask you guys if you can point me in the right direction or advise me about my Cupra 02, as it is coming up for it's 40k service and MOT mid April and I have to admit that I need value for money here !! Was looking into an independent seat service as I...
  20. BanziBarn

    Is the Lacquer coming off my door?

    When washing the car on Saturday I noticed what I thought was a scratch on my door. It's the front left door, right down in the corner by the front wheel. Basically, if you run your finger from the right of the door, to the left towards the bottom corner, when you almost reach the corner...
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)