
  1. Craigus

    Craigus's Leon FR+..New pics with canon 30th)

    Well i thought, seen as though im a newbie, i would make a thread were i could keep progress of my Leon, so here goes... Heres my car as i bought it ..... 06 Seat Leon Fr+ in Luna Grey.... :p Then i gave it a quick clean, and took some quick pics, i took quite a few arty ones, as...
  2. craig87

    what colour??

    Where do i find the colour code of my car, ive got some fog light surrounds that could do with spraying, im guna pop into halfords in a bit does anyone know where to find the colour code??
  3. beejten

    Like the colour?

    Hi guys just wondered if anyone has seen alot of Leons in Mar Blue, seems quite a rarity up here in Scotland. Had mine for 2years and only seen one:D I really like the colour, ive had a lot of compliments on it as you dont see many this colour. What does everyone think?
  4. stucupra r

    finally got some pics up+ (new wheel colour)

    took these late last summer after a clean and polish.
  5. crezz

    Colour Coding Debate

    hi again, im unsure if i want to colour code the skirts and splitter to the topaz blue or to keep the standard look. i also thought about getting them sprayed but sprayed black so its got the standard look but a better finish. what does everyone think? :)
  6. danmay

    colour coded door handles

    my black ones are annoying me now :lol: how much are colour coded door handles, and how the fudge do you fit them?? having an urge for colour co-ordination!!! bit wary of getting them painted incase the paint chips off or it's done in a cowboy stylee, so a set of proper dealer spec ovni...
  7. head lamps different colour HELP!!!!

    hi guys my mrs smashed up the front of the ibiza over two months ago, and to cut a long story much shorter, the reapirers have fitted a new headlamp to the drivwers side that is a different colour to the passenger side that survived the accident! our orriginal passenger side is different...
  8. Donnyboy

    Leon Cupra wheel colour

    I went to see a Candy white Cupra today and noticed the wheels were a slight grey colour and not silver like normal alloys. They didn't look as dark as the Ibiza FR next to it though. Is this the correct colour for the Cupra wheels as I thought they were a silver colour and not slightly grey?
  9. jase750

    caliper colour ?

    It looks as if I'm going to go ahead with a 312mm conversion on the FR I've found a set of calipers,discs,carriers and hoses at a reasonable price BUT they have come off a skoda VRS and are Green. The car is Black magic so I'm undecided what coulor if any to paint them I wouldn't have...
  10. Extreme blue LC - colour match?

    some bugger stole the rear tow point cover from the right hand side of the rear bumper of my LC. The part itslef is quite cheap from the dealer but it comes primed and will need painted - the dealer want £30-£40 to supply the part painted. can anyone recommend the nearest colour match to...
  11. cupraNCS

    Bumper trims- colour code or not??

    been repairing my bumper in college over the last 2 weeks and am going 2 be respraying it but im not sure wether to colour code the bump strips or not:think::think: yes or no???:think:
  12. dainott2105

    Help Fuse for stereo and remote lead colour?

    Hi folks, spent all day yesterday building an install for my car (aint quite finished it but alsmost there). I pulled out the stereo to connect up the rca's and later on when i put the stereo back in it wouldnt come on. I noticed that the remote live cable had come off and the only...
  13. Stuart 528

    Red Mk3 with colour coded bump strips?

    Anyone got any pics of the above, cant find any. Cheers
  14. colour coded side mouldings

    im looking to have the side mouldings (door protector strips) on my car re-sprayed to match the car, how do i remove them so i dont loose the car to the paint shop whilst its being done. any help appreciated
  15. Wheel colour option

    Right folks the next thing for the cupra (apart from the service and tyres) is painting the wheels as I quite like the look of the standard ones I wanna go for an anthracite colour but unsure what shades there are as i've seen a few different ones anyone got good hi-res pics of anthra...
  16. Colour Matching Halogen to Xenon

    Hi, Loving my Xeonons but hate the yellow side lights, foglights and supplemental main beams... Has anyone with Xenons colour matched the other bulbs and if so, what bulbs did you use? Thanks, fM
  17. Colour Coding Splitters

    Hi guys, From the thread about smoothing the boot I noticed some of the cars had colour coded splitters. I'm undecided about doing this myself - are there any photos flying around of your cars? Obviously it's a job of removing the splitters and spraying - will any old paint do or have you...
  18. beezertart

    Caliper colour

    Wheels gotta come off for all round brakes so thinking of getting the calipers toshed whilst there,did want em done when had respray but it didn't happen. seeing as everyone says hammerite ok just debating what colour should go on my kiwi,not sure bout the red with the green or yellow to be...
  19. colour code

    hi :confused: im after the paint colour code for a green/yellowish coloured ibiza. i think the colour is called kiwi green could someone please help me find this or if you own one could you please have a look for it in your paperwork. i want to get me vw campervan sprayed in this colour but...
  20. cupra r rob

    Caliper colour

    I know its been talked to death but wondered what people think to silver calipers, seems to have made them look smaller. Thinking about going back to red or mayby blue, hammerite need to do more colours. [/IMG]
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