
  1. owen lcr

    clutch is unhappy

    after taking the plunge and spening near on £900 on new wheels and tyres only this afternoon my clutch has decided it wants to start slipping now. Looks like the clutch and diff is going to have to be upgraded sooner than i thought:(... i have enquires about getting a sachs clutch fitted...
  2. Clutch on its way out?

    Hi, I noticed something odd yesterday whilst driving home:- The gear stick is able to move out of which ever gear its in, into neutral by simply moving it with my hand, no need for the clutch to be depressed what so ever. This isn't right is it? When its been 'popped out' I cannot...
  3. Damo

    SPEC Stage 3+ Clutch - does this look normal?

    I was going to sell this clutch but it looks like 2 of the prongs are snapped. The thing is, the edges where the prongs used to be look clean and don't like they've sheared off. It's looks to me like they've either been removed on purpose or the clutch was made this way. Can anyone confirm...
  4. Spud_G40

    Box off, fitting new paddle clutch + flywheel...advice...

    Hey guys, been taking my gearbox off my car the last couple of days to fit a new clutch and flywheel with 72k on the clock it ain't too shabby considering its been least remapped for at least the last 25k-30k miles, finally got the box off today with my mate after a lot of fighting lol, tight as...
  5. R.I.P - My Clutch.

    Well, the clutch has gone..... Any ideas on how much it will cost to get it repaired? Or should I do the sensible thing and get a 16v? There's a very good example in Edinburgh going for £1500 with 2months MOT. The plate begins S211 E** Any information from a previous owner on here would be...
  6. lcr clutch change( dual mass flywheel)

    Do you always have to change the dual mass flywheel when changing the clutch? Cars done 49,000 miles. Its a lcr.
  7. Clutch cable issues

    ive had my pedal box out tonight to weld it up because it was looking abit ify, when i put it all back together the clutch cable is compressing in the middle were the spring is rather than working the clutch, ive tried alsorts to stop it but just cant do anything with it. Does this mean its just...
  8. Berg

    brand new clutch switch wont stay in!! and now boost problem since changing

    I bought a brand new clutch position switch as my old one wasnt in and the thread had stripped The new switch screws in but as soon as i release the clutch pedal it shoots out which has stripped the thread on the new one too!! [:@] does anyone have a way around this?
  9. LCR uprated clutch

    Haven't got a clue which one to go for. Anyone that can recommend one? Needs to be uprated to take around 310 bhp ish. cheers
  10. karls cupra

    clutch pedal movement..

    i have a problem my cluth pedal can move side to side a bit has any one had this problem and know what it might be and how tfix it, its moves a little .. i tryed to search but not found any thing :)
  11. greg

    Clutch pedal causing wiring FIRE and sudden braking!!

    My girlfriend was coming off the motorway the other day and just as she was changing down from 5th to 4th gear when she put the clutch in the car slowed down rapidly (as if someone had put the handbrake on as she describes it), and smoke started coming from the steering column. The recovery guy...
  12. Chrisdaman

    Seat Cable Clutch conversion part

    i've managed to get hold of an 02A gearbox, but i need the clutch conversion from hydraulic to cable. usually on the ABF engine'd cars Theres a part you can get from Seat Dealers any help would be awesome
  13. SMF and clutch on a PD130

    Hi there. Im going to change my clutch as its slipping (remapped PD130 to 177/313lb's) Im going to change the DMF to a SMF and fit a standard clutch.. What SMF is compatable with a Ibiza PD130? Also, is it difficult to do a clutch on a PD130 in a Ibiza? I work in the trade so have...
  14. Clutch switch

    Could someone tell me where this is please because my ESP light keeps coming on and off and VAG is telling me its the clutch switch so i presume its just loose.
  15. BHP Addict

    Engine Rattle - Clutch?

    Hi all, My beeza has had this for a while now but it has started to get louder. I'll be driving normally, not ragging it and it'll reach temp fine. When I arrive at my destination and park up with car running I can hear a rattle coming from the left side of the engine (as you look at it)...
  16. CORBY

    Bleeding a Clutch

    Can anyone tell me how to bleed a clutch on a 130 FR? I am told by my mechanic mate that mine needs bleeding. :) Cheers Rob
  17. LCR uprated clutch

    Anybody recommend an uprated clutch? Got tobe capable of around 310bhp plus incase i decide to take the hybrid further. Would a r32 clutch take it? Any ideas? Can't really find much info
  18. Clutch

    Hi, newbie needs some help please. Just bought a alhambra 1.8 20vt on a 2000 w, thee is a noise sort of a rattle when idling, soon as the clutch is pressed the noise goes away. It doesnt have any problems changing gear though. Just wondered if anybody can help me, thanks neil
  19. steveyg

    How much torque an bhp can standard 170frtdi clutch take????

    Quick question as im contemplating the dpf-delete but wanting abit of advice on how much power a standard 170frtdi can take. How much torque an bhp can standard 170frtdi clutch take???? steve
  20. Cupra Kid

    Cordoba 1.6SX clutch help

    Hi guys. I'm looking to get a more comfortable car for everyday driving, having tried a MK3 Ibiza sport i know they run a nice light hydraulic clutch, however the mk3 isn't my favorite shape and i miss the boot on my old cordy so what i want to know is does the MK2 1.6SX run a hydraulic or cable...