
  1. fitting climate control? instead of manual heaters and air con

    hi people, thanks every1 so far uve been a great help! basically i wanted to know has anybody changed there manual heater matrix, to climate? and if so whats needed etc to make it work, thanks people
  2. Vag_Dave

    Climate Control Problems

    Hi Guys. I've got 2 problems with my Climate Control, the one problem i have had for about a month and the other one i found out about last night. 1. When i put the climate on HI it blows out realy cold air and it doesn't change for the hold journey. and the last couple of week the weather...
  3. Climate control packed up

    The climate control is playing up on my lovely Ibiza 130 Sport. Have had it regassed but there are two fault codes coming up. One is 01274air flow flap motor on open circuit and the second which seems to be the real problem is 00818 outlet temperature sensor on open circuit Can anyone tell...
  4. thebeno

    Cooling fan issue with Climate Control

    Now then... Had a search, apparantly the small radiator fan is supposed to stay on slow when the Air Con is on. Trouble is both fans come on fast for a quick 10 second blast every minute or so, even when the engine is cold. Nothing happens when Air Con is off. Any ideas chaps?
  5. digital climate display

    Has anyone had probs with their digital climate display . I`ve read about the ones that start bleeding into the display , but mine just seems to have bits of display missing . E.G. , L0 reads F0 , bits of numbers missing etc . It all works ok it just looks awful , it just started playing up...
  6. Climate control just died!!!!

    Ive got a 2003 tdi (130) ibiza and iv just lost climate control. I have no idea why :confused: . The indication pannel is still showing readings but i have no cool air entering the cabin. Iv checked to see if their is any gas and their is so if any one can shed any light on this plz then that...
  7. Ant FR

    coolant change on mk4 with Climate

    Ok so this is a silly question. if you have climate control and are changing the coolant do you. - Turn the Auto climate off, and manually set to hottest temeprature then change the coolant. Reason i ask is when you used to change the coolant on an older car pre climate days you would...

    climate control

    sorry if this has been covered before, did a quick search and nothing came up, why when I switch off my climate control does it still continue to pump out the temp it is set too, its annoying if its warm day and I have set it a bit high as I have to switch it on and then turn the temp down...
  9. climate control LO cold?

    Just wondering whether my AC (climate control) is working properly. When I press AUTO and turn it down to LO (this evening - outside temp 10C) the air coming out of the vents was cool but not air con COLD. Is this right? I would have expected it to blow as cold as possible ie really cold...
  10. Guinness

    Climate Control

    Is there anyway to fit the climate control into the beeza? as my 1.2 just has the air con, have to say Im not too botherd about it but might be nice to know that I could and put it on the to do list.
  11. Climate Control screen

    Hi everybody Was speaking to my mate who's dad has a toledo (the one before the most recent one) and he was telling me that you could change the climate control screen into a digital speedo. is he talking bollocks or is this possible? thanks
  12. STOKOE

    climate control

    my climate control on my lcr keeps suddenly blowing very hot now and again even when the climate control is set low say at 18 and will not adjust i have to switch the climate control completly off to stop it, when the car engine is switched off then back on it seems to cure it for awhile then it...
  13. Fr - Climate control

    Greeting all, I am having an odd problem with the CC in my Fr. It seems to lack any concept of what temperature the inside of the car is. I set the temp to Auto 23c and when the car warms up you get nice hot air pumping out all over the place....however what then seems to happen is that...
  14. Climate control replacement

    I have searched the threads and can't find out how to remove the stereo, looks like this is the next step after removing ash tray. Can any one help?
  15. ircool

    Climate Control

    Hi, I have always had std. aircon in previous cars. I read the manual and it is still a tad cunfusing! If i just turn up the fan without anything else the cc seems to work anyway, hit auto and the fan just goes full speed which is loud and a tad annoying. Econ I am completely baffled with...
  16. climate control panel

    hello,was driving my cupra the other night and i noticed ive lost part of the temprature display on the panel does this mean a trip to the stealers????
  17. Replacing climate control screen

    I have just got a new climate control screen to replace my old one because it was bleeding (black blobs on either side). Does anyone know how to get the old one out. I can't seem to remove the facia around it. Do I need to remove the stereo first? Thanks

    Climate Control Blotch/stain

    I saw one of these on ebay with the blotch on it and then a few days later i saw the same thing appered in my cars climate screen in the same position and shape. Am i jinxed or did i get infected by looking at the one on ebay. Can any one help on a possible solution.
  19. sargey

    Tempremental climate control

    My climate control seems to increase the fan speed all by itself. Ill turn the temperature up to Hi cos its cold at night, the fan speed will be on bout mid way when i stop pressing the button, and all of a sudden ill look at the display and its up full whack, it does it on other temperatures...
  20. DamoR

    Display Your Cars Exact Speed on Your Climate Control System for £4.99 Has anybody tried this? I know people have unlocked many features on their climate control display but never heard of this one before..
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