
  1. cupra-c_ya

    Cleaning the throttle body on a leon cupra

    Hi there, I know this has been discussed on some other threads but could not find a proper throttle body cleaning guide etc. I want to clean my throttle body and was wandering what was really involved if I decided to take the whole throttle body off and cleaned it, I take it I would need...
  2. cleaning green panel filters

    Is there a quick way without having to pay for a silly cleaning kit? Will a alloy wheel brush and some electrical contact cleaner spray? I wouldnt have thought it matters when its dry, i just want to get it clean :) Thanks
  3. djscorch

    Cleaning Interior

    What does everyone use to clean their interiors with? :confused:
  4. bentaw

    Cleaning wheels

    When i clean my wheels i use wonder wheels and for some reason it leaves a brown stain on the road and it is now so noticable my dad refuses to let me clean my wheels anymore does anyone know of a wheel cleaner that doesnt do this or anything that removes the crap from the road cheers
  5. C11PRA DC

    Cleaning MF towels!

    Hi all, Quick question - whats the best way to wash MF towels and how often? Cheers Svenster
  6. Deev

    Interior/dash cleaning

    What would you guys and gals recommend I use to clean the dash and interior plastic trim of my Leon? I'm loathed to buy anything these days as I find the majority of crap on the market just makes everything sticky and shiny (do the manufacturers really think that's what we want?!?)
  7. air con cleaning

    :confused: Hi all. I have still got my smelly air con prob so have just bought some stuff to squirt inti air con unit itself. Any ideas where??? Nothing in engine compartment looks anything like instruction diagram on bottle. No clues from drivers manual either. Any sensible suggestions will...
  8. spyke85

    Cleaning dials

    Whats best thing to do to clean the glass on the dials? Whenever I clean them with just a cloth they seem to get streaks all over them.
  9. Engine bay cleaning advice?

    Right I've not given the bay of my R a clean for a long time so it's time to give it a good go. Any tips on cleaning the engine bay, products wise etc. Pete
  10. does it just need cleaning??!!

    VAG-COM Version: Release 311.2-N Control Module Part Number: 6K0 906 032 Component and/or Version: 1.8L R4/20VT SEA 0002 Software Coding: 11500 Work Shop Code: WSC 00000 2 Faults Found: 18010 - Power Supply Terminal 30: Voltage too Low P1602 -...
  11. red interior owners (cleaning)

    what product do you guys use on the red part of our seats? i cant find one that works?
  12. Cleaning Ibiza FR alloys

    Hi Just bought a 54 reg yellow ibiza FR. I've noticed the alloys are a little bit 'yellow' in some of the corners. Other than that they are in perfect condition. Has anyone else experience this? What can I use to remove it? Can I use normal wheel cleaner (wonder wheels / autogylm etc)...
  13. blackturbo

    Seat seat cleaning lol

    Tryna clean my flippin seats and I just cant shift the marks on them, not scuffs or anything just dirty! Any ideas of magically products? Ive tried car shampoo (foam stuff) and the seat wipes you can buy to. I was thinkin maybe try a Vax? Cheers
  14. Top tip for cleaning exhaust!!!!!

    My exhaust tailpipes were looking really sorry for themselves so i went out hunting for some Brasso/Silvo or something of the like. THe local shop didn't have any Brasso etc but did have something called 'Bar Keepers Friend' i was a bit dubious but it was only £2.00 so i bought some -...
  15. JKing

    MAF Cleaning, maintenance and price

    According to VAG COM my MAF is either on its way out or in need of a clean. What's the best was to clean them and what do you use?? Been recommended a certain contact cleaner and have some super solve from my brother, will this be ok?? Also how would u recommend I keep it clean and...
  16. Cleaning twin exhaust

    Hi Guys, Whats the easiest way to clean the exhaust as its black as the ace of spades after a few k of soot blowing through it :)
  17. Cleaning a Yellow Leon Cupra

    I need to give my Leon Cupra a very good clean and polish. What stuff do people recommend and how do they rate the following as these are what I'm looking at the mo: Meguiar's NXT Car Wash Meguiar's Gold Class Bug and Tar Remover Meguiar's NXT Tech Wax Meguiar's The Ultimate Wash Mitt...
  18. micky 32

    Intercooler cleaning

    My alloy allard intercooler is now getting tarnished looking with caked on dirt, any ideas to get it shining again??
  19. Exhaust Tip cleaning.

    Don't know if this is right section or not, done a search can't see much. Anyone reccommend a really good product for cleaning exhaust tips? Mines currently a nice black / bronze colour, a bit of elbow grease took off most of the black layer with soapy water, but not sure what to use that...
  20. Snoopcousins

    Halfords Car Cleaning

    A lot of the products on these threads I have never heard about or have seen in any shops. The only shop anywhere near me to get products from is Halfords and I have a few Autoglym polishes etc. Can anyone give me help on detailing my car with stuff I can buy in Halfords? :confused: I do...
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