
  1. RobLeon20V

    Cheap VAG Parts website

    Yo, can anyone remember that cheapo vag parts website for MAF's and suchlike i forgot the address and i had a search to no avail before u lot get ur knickers in a twist!:funk:
  2. cheap new leon if you are good with a hammer
  3. Gilrick

    Cheap Ibiza Cupra!

    Hi. Thinking of getting wife something little and sporty and i was while sifting through the ads noticed that Westgate Seat have 2 pre reg'd Cupra's on 55 plates at £11,995. Anyone got any comments on this price or Westgate Seat? From the website i see they also have a Honda dealership on...
  4. Empi5

    Cable - On the Cheap

    Hmmm, i took the cheap option and bought a cable of ebay without thinking too much about it, I then thought about how it would fit to my shiney new lap top, and looking at it , i have a 15 pin serial port at the back. Am i right in thinking when this cable arrives it will only be 9 Pin or am...
  5. Cheap tip -- soaking VNT actuator link in WD40

    On the Passat PDs the turbo and VNT mechanism is at the front and side of the engine, exposed to road spray, salt etc that gets through the radiator. I wondered if this would cause the actuator linkage to get a bit sticky over time. Over the weekend I got a small can of WD40 and soaked the...
  6. Cheap Mod

    Following on from the discussion about these cheap tuning boxes from Ebay, and that they're basically just a resistor in place of the fuel temp sender, I trawled for some more info. This item on UK-mkivs gives a bit more info.
  7. Cheap N75 mod for everybody

    As some of you already know, i am deeply into N75 valve investigating & experimenting lately. Here's a new & easy DIY mod which will work for anybody (with chipped or unchipped car) and doesn't really need any major modifications on the car which couldn't be reverted ANY time in just 5 minutes...
  8. Cheap insurance

    I'm 22, with 2 years no claims. Any body know where the best place to get insured? and how much its going to be for someone like me? ------------------
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