
  1. Milltek downpipe and sports cat????

    Hi i was wondering if i buy the milltek downpipe and sports cat would it fit onto my cat back box i already have. Its the twin one, one on the left and on the right, comes with the btcc body kit, i think remus make it. Just wondering would it fit or would i have to buy the milltek cat back box...
  2. Stupra

    Cat Warning light staying on.

    Guys, Driving home Friday, I gave my Cupra a bit of a thrashing! Going up a long hill on a dual carriageway, i got to just over 6000 rpm, and the Catalyst light flashed (I checked the book when I got home, it refers to exhaust only, not engine management) Well, this was the 3rd time it has...

    Sports Cat or remap causing EM light?

    Hi all, Quick question, After recently (within the last 3 months) having a stage 1 custom code remap and Piper downpipe/sports cat/cat back I was very pleased with the results. However, a few days ago the engine management light came on. Not noticing any issues at all with the drive of my...
  4. Need a new cat

    Garage has told me my cat is broken up inside and this is what is causing my rattle Looking at his book look slike the Cat and downpipe come as one piece can someone confirm this and if so anyone got a rough price? Thanks
  5. adsbluecupra

    blueflame sport cat

    just wondering if anyone has a price for a blueflame sport cat/downpipe
  6. LCR Downpipe & Cat

    How much difference in performance does changing the downpipe and cat on the LCR actually make? I'm going to be purchasing a cat back system soon but need to deciede what system to go for, one that has a downpipe and cat available or not? Chris
  7. Jamie P

    Scorpion cat back Vs Milltek Cat back?

    Hey guys, New on the site, i have a Mk3 Cupra, which has a Scorpion cat back on it currently, i'm not that keen on the looks, or the sound as its a bit loud... Was looking at the Milltek system, how loud is this from experience? I prefer the tail pipe design over the Scorpion. Any help...
  8. Brummy

    From Cat 'C' write off to road..(The journey of a Mk2) ..The end .

    My Mk2 Ibiza Cupra 8VGti /sport whatever whatever.. Written off as Category 'C' after a shunt in the rear whilst sat at traffic lights. Purchased for a steal back in autum/winter '06... sat looking very sorry for itself for a while due to having been Sorn by previous owner and kept as Sorn...
  9. Miltek decat or sports cat on Cupra TDI

    Well its time to take the plunge and start spending some money on my Cupra. First on the list is a Miltek exhaust which from what I've read if I only get the cat-back system I'd have to cut cut the original exhaust and weld on the miltek. As I really want to cut up the original pipe I'd...
  10. mr_D

    sports cat

    looking at getting a sports cat and downpipe in next few weeks,. but because there is a lamda sensor after the cat will this turn on eml as will be different to standard cat. or what if i was to decat it. would it give the same problem. any info?
  11. Degudodger

    In need of a new CAT

    DAM IT!! My Toledo must have got wind that it's going to be sold in the next couple of weeks as the Cat has decided to brake up!! I've been quoted £250 Inc fitting for a replacement but before I commit, can anybody recommend a garage In the Winchester/Southampton area apart from...
  12. LC Downpipe & Sports Cat Question

    Morning all, Have a quick question for you, I'm getting a Pipecraft custom exhaust done in a couple of weeks time...going for a Stainless System with twin 3" Rolled Tailpipe & my question is... Will I be ok to fit a Miltek Downpipe & Sports Cat at a later date to the custom system...
  13. URGENT- advice on Leon Cat Converter needed!!!

    Hi all, I have a 51 plate 1.6s Leon, the catalytic converter went recently and on taking it to the garage it seems Seat have not fitted a standard Leon Cat to it, the garage have tried the cats listed for that engine number/model and none of them fit. Has anybody else had this problem or heard...
  14. keano20v

    cat by pass

    hey guys am lookin for a bit of help i just de cated my car i have tied the o2 sensor on to the body to try and get a good reading the car is runnin fine but th em light is on obviously thinks its running to lean DOES ANY1 KNW WHERE I CAN GET SUM KIND OF UNIT TO SEND A GOOD READING BACK TO...
  15. powerflow dp and sports cat

    just wondering if any one has had any exprience with having a custon made sports cat and dp fitted to their ibiza. powerflow quoted me £350 to supply and fit one cheers
  16. de cat pipe

    Hi, My first post so excuse me if this has been asked before. Got a LCR225. If I just put a de cat pipe on will I get any more power or do I need to completely upgrade the exhaust system?
  17. Robbie C

    Blueflame 100 cell cat

    Just been on the phone to Blueflame to get a quote for a DP and cat for my Cupra and when I asked if they still sold the 100 cell cats I was told he could make one up with this if I requested it. I'm sure I read a thread a while back about some people having issues with engine lights and MOT...
  18. Blue Flame Downpipe+cat??

    Hi peeps, just taken delivery of my blue flame downpipe and cat after waiting weeks! On opening it i noticed a small dent on the knuckle of the elbow on the downpipe, is this meant to be there? Has anyone else got the same pipe and noticed this before. If its not meant to be there will it make...
  19. what cat back system to choose

    hi im looking for a nice catback system for my leon 20vt sport i heard of blueflame is it anny good and had somebody got a soundfile of it? what other brands can i choose (wich are good but not tooooooooo loud) thnx for helping out
  20. nev

    cupra cat back onto a 1.4

    Looking to upgrade my exhuast, but really only what a slight bit of volume, not something stupidly loud. However i know nothing about exhausts! Having searched though it seems getting hold of the cupra exhaust from the cat back will fit with a reducer? Is this something a garage can supply...
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