
  1. Carbonio Cold Air Intake (CAI)

    Has anbody got any sound clips of this induction kit?Whats peoples impressions on this CAI.:)
  2. Ant FR

    Potential new CAI for Mk4

    having a lookround the engine bay yesterday and i think it may be possible to fit the air filter down below the battery area. Byt running a pipe like you get on the carbonio filters down there and running an open cone filter, something like a green or ram air one. There seems to be emogh room...
  3. Ant FR

    Re Airbox and Cupra TDi intakes and CAI kits

    Ok, Now before i start, i have no proof of this, no airflow figures to back it up, and no scientific explanations, but this is what i have noticed on my 1.8T with regard tot he above. Ok here goes. I have now had 2 Dyna twist filters on my car, first off i tried the Small dynatwist...
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