
  1. Quick vagcom serial cable question

    I'm about to buy a vagcom serial cable off ebay and just need to know if i'll need a driver to load it onto my laptop? The one i've seen doesn't come supplied with a driver and i wondered if this will be a problem? I've heard you need a driver for the USB types of cable. Also is this the correct...
  2. Changing clutch cable on 8v gti

    The clutch cable on my 8v gti cupra is really bad. Its really notchy when lifting off the clutch pedal which is making it impossible to get the correct biting point and cant be too good for the car atm :( I guess changing the clutch pedal would sort this and I have bought one but I was...
  3. Earth cable on changer - fitting..

    any ideas where this cable needs to be fixed to? Cheers
  4. Vag com cable (old seat :))

    Hi, I have a 97 Mk1 toledo, and i need to reset the service indicator, as i have an anolouge odometer, the current method of using the clock dosnt work, so i guess its got to be done via VAG Com Ive had a dig round and it looks like the OBD connector i have is two small plugs behind a...
  5. chris999

    manual window cable

    where would i get a cable that winds down the window, as mine has snapped. How much would i be looking at???
  6. Anyone got a Porter Cable?

    hey, am thinking about importing a PC from america, but am still on the fence.. should i go for it? would be splitting the cost with my mate.. anyone had any experiences? they worth the money?
  7. Sulli cable connection problem

    I have just got a cable, and tried to run, but am having problems. I have tried the free version from Ross-tech and also v.303.1 - but there seems to be a problem with the cable interface: The cable I have is a KKL serial interface cable - fits OK, and has all the pins...
  8. Changer cable

    hi there guys this is my first time on the furom, so a big HELLO from myself! I have got myself a new leon Fr a fortnight ago, i have been looking around for the changer cable and cannot find it ,all i can see behind the glovebox is a cable that runs to the side of the dash can anyone help me...
  9. Sulli Cable??

    OK, so I have a working full copy of and vag scope, and a laptop - now all I need is a cable. Will any of the ones on E Bay do for me, or should I get a particular one (I have searched and gather a serial port one is better), and where is the best place to get one? Recommendations...
  10. JKing

    Is this the cable I need?? Found this cable on Ebay, not sure if its the one I need thought??
  11. starter cable

    Heared that this is a common problem and it has happened to me car started fine drove to work got out then saw better space to park in and nothing, 4000 mile on the clock and it happens had to bump start it to get home. should be fixed tomorrow but ive got a new toledo at the moment its like a...
  12. dannyk

    Parrot CK3000 Cable???

    I have be given a Parrot CK3000 Bluetooth car kit, and am looking to upgrade the firmware on it, this requires an interface cable. I was wondering if any one has one, and if i could borrow it? Either if someone is close to aberdeen or if you mind sending it to me and i'll send it back...
  13. Russ_20vt

    Will this cable work?

    Found this on ebay, anyideas if it will be ok? Thanks Russ
  14. sted

    vag com cable

    will this one work on my 53 plate tdi sport? clicky
  15. Empi5

    Cable - On the Cheap

    Hmmm, i took the cheap option and bought a cable of ebay without thinking too much about it, I then thought about how it would fit to my shiney new lap top, and looking at it , i have a 15 pin serial port at the back. Am i right in thinking when this cable arrives it will only be 9 Pin or am...
  16. aceman

    Skpang cable review

    OK guys I have just received my VagCom cable and PCMCIA serial card from Skpang see here The one in question is the X-Two which I thought was the best buy as it is only £10 more than the basic cable and gives functionality for the latest VAG vehicles. The whole thing came well packaged via...
  17. m0rk

    Supplier of VAG-COM Software & Cable

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