
  1. Pepcox

    Retrofitting wiring harnesses - where to buy automotive cables?

    Hi. I didn't know where to place a discussion like this so I put it into a general one. I'm wondering if you have some experience where to buy cables for wiring harnesses with OEM specifications. I found some can bus twisted pairs on Aliexpress with fair enough quality but for the single cables...
  2. TheJudge2009

    Drivers seat cable for adjusting the seat fwd and back.

    Hey all, Need some help if you don't mind, Car: Seat Exeo 3R 120 HP 1986CC Year: 2010 As the title says, on the web for the last 2 hours and can not find a motor factor who has it or sells it. I tried to look under the seat to get a oem number or something, but with no luck. Did found a thread...
  3. 2012 leon fr handbrake issue!

    Hi all! I've recently replaced a OSR calliper on my leon for being siezed. I replaced the rear discs and pads also! However since I noticed the handbrake did not feel great and had a bit too much travel. Seems to be binding (working harder) on the OSR. I checked the adjustment mechanism to...
  4. 2008 Ibiza Mk4 1.9 TDI ABS problem

    So I've had this problem for a while now and need some help diagnosing further. I will put a disclaimer right here that I do not have a huge amount of knowledge or experience in car mechanics so am very much a novice to these things. All the info I have right now is from investigating myself and...
  5. Handbrake cable

    Hi guys, is £158 a good price for replacing the 2 handbrake cables on my 02 leon cupra? If not is it easy to do myself, or a pain in the ass and better to let the local dealer fit???
  6. teeth2k

    bonnet release cable

    the leaver does not work and i cannot open the bonnet on my mk2 ibiza any help to open it please as need to get inside urgently
  7. Throttle Cable stuck?!

    Right, just back from work, parked my car in the car-park for the day, and returned after work, got in, started normally. I pulled always in first, doing about 5-10mph around the car park, changed into second and then something weird happened.. I released my foot off the accelerator to take a...
  8. ibiza_95

    Cable gear change replacement

    Has anyone had to replace the gear change cable from the gearstick to the gearbox? I snapped one yesterday when i was drag racing (At santa pod not on the street) and need to replace it. Couple of questions... If i get a new cable is it possible to feed the new cable down the old sleeve to...
  9. Looking to get an ebay cable

    As the title really. I may at a later date buy a genuine Ross-tech cable but i fancy having a play with a cheap one first. My current car is a 2001 Toledo TDI and my initial question is i plan to use my Eee pc 701 netbook which doesnt have an optical drive, i know that i can download a...
  10. Leon 1P Vag-Com Cable ** Canbus OBD Diagnostics**

    ** Changing my original post to reflect the subjects mentioned in this thread** This thread contains information on OBD Diagnostic cables for the Canbus series of VAG Vehicles. Official Vag-Com Cables and software can be found @ This thread and it's content consists of...
  11. Is it worth getting an ebay vag cable

    My wife has a seat ibiza and we've had the engine management light on several times. Occasionally this goes off by itself, or we've managed to diagnose the fault, (brake light), I've took it to a local garage, (freind of family), who isn't an electrical mechanic but he sent it on to another...
  12. vag com cable and windows 7

    where do i get the software where do i get the cable and will it work with windows 7
  13. alex 80

    bonnet seal? power cable fitment?

    couple of questions for you knowledgeable lot 1. where do you get the bonnet seals that alot have you all fitted to the inside of your bonnet at the front?? how much? 2. where have you run your power cables through for your amps in the boot can't seem to see any gromets that mine might go...
  14. Help needed clutch cable snapped.

    Hi im new to this, I just bought an Seat Ibiza cupra mk 3 I think, lol, wiki says 99-2002, its a yreg, 1.4si or isit is? lol. I have had it a week fairly standard, the clutch cable snapped and now I went and bought one but wasnt sure if I should have a go myself, are they hard to fit? Do I...
  15. envycordoba

    help gearlinkage cable snapped

    hi my gearlinkage cable has snapped at the gear box end so need a new 1. its on my abf how do i change it as never done 1 before its the bottom cable of the 2. can any1 help
  16. andy_tratter

    Bonnet cable adjustment

    Hi guys, just done a search and couldnt see what i was looking for, Is there anyway of putting more tension in my cupra's bonnet cable cos its doing that neat trick of not shutting properly?! Im going to adjust the catch hieght and bonnet stop height tomorrow, just wondered if the cable...
  17. cupra 16v gear cable linkage advice

    hey there, just purchased a ibiza cupra 16v for good money only problem is one of the gear linkage cables have gone (cant select gears). Now im pretty fortunate that i work in a vw/audi breakers but without inspecting myself yet due to having no time to strip it down, i was wondering if a gear...
  18. Leon FR iPod cable?

    Just about to purchase a brand new Leon FR but want to connect my iPod touch to play & control through the stereo, - does anyone know what cable I will need? I was told it needs to be the USB and Aux cable but I dont really wanna spend over £60 for the cable supplied by Seat! Does anyone...
  19. Audio Controls Cable

    Hi Guys and Gals, Please help a fellow Leon owner in distress. Since I have had my Leon MK2 (Reference Sport with almost all the FR Mods) the multi function steering wheel doesn't work (the controls for the standard Seat MP3 headunit). After a trip to Gwent VW Audi and the steering wheel...
  20. Belting Ibiza

    Accelerator Cable snaped?

    I have a Seat ibiza MK2 1.9 TDI SXE. One day i come to start my ibiza and the accelerator pedal is flat against the floor, im wondering if it is the cable or sum other form or problem. Any help would be appreciated.
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