
  1. seat_rich

    Buying an FR TDI - Things to look for?

    As the title really, I'm currently looking at a ~ 70,000mi FR TDi on a 54 plate, around the £5k mark. What should I be on the lookout for? The only thing I know about is the cambelt change, but other than that I'm a complete novice at giving a used car the once over!
  2. What do you think to buying this cupra? please let me know what people think.
  3. Buying guide

    hi there im new and going to look at a mk3 ibiza cupra today is there anything specific to the model i should look out for ?? i quite clued up on cars but not ibiza cupras cheers
  4. Best place for buying N112

    Hi all Looking at selling the car soon and currently have the secondary air injection system removed Removed it after the N112 melted and I started getting the Incorrect Flow Code I have the pump and all the pipes still so I'm thinking of getting a new N112, refitting everything and...
  5. TDi150 vs 225R Buying advice

    hi all - apart from a bit of nosing around in your archives, I'm new to this forum & hoping to get a bit of advice. Hope this is posted in the right area! I'm thinking of getting a Mk1 Leon Cupra of some sort....just not sure which one yet! Its mainly going to be used as a commuter / long...
  6. buying cupra r

    Hi thinking of getting a leon cupra r 1.8t, prob 2001 -2004 reg. what i would like to know is how the ride is? is it very hard. I have a 2001 ibiza sport and that bangs over every little mark in the road. Also what mpg for normal driving? cheers
  7. buying a cupra r ?

    Hello newbie here... i'm going to be looking for a cupra R in august 04-05 model,at first i'll was going to buy a ctr...but eveyone seem to have them now... I've never had a seat before,how are they for Reliability. this will be my main car doing about 10k a year... when buying one...
  8. First day of rain since buying cupra leads to alarm problems

    Right, bought my 51 plate Cupra about 2 weeks ago and yesterday was the first properly rainy day since then. Problem is that when I got home last night and parked up (with water in the car on the floor front and back by the passenger side doors) the alarm kept going off randomly. In the end I...
  9. nvidia

    Things to look out for when buying the ibiza?

    Hi everyone, i will be looking to buy the seat ibiza 1.9 tdi fr on thursday :) if everything goes to plan. it will be a 54 plate one, what sort of things will i need to look at?? first time that i will be buying a diesel car cheers
  10. Advice on Cupra R buying?

    Hi Guys, My dad is looking at a Leon Cupra R tomorrow that I have put a deposit down on as he is far more mechanically minded than me! I know all of this is buried within the site but as he is going over early tomorrow I need to get some info asap. The owner has been very open about the...
  11. Pacey

    Ideas on alloys for Black Cupra tdi?

    Hello Boys and Girls I really need your help now! I am looking at buying some new Alloys for my Black Cupra TDI 54 reg. The front 2 tires on mine are getting a bit low so thought I would go for it and get some new wheels :) looking at spending around £500 so need some peoples input on what to...
  12. Where to draw the line on cost when buying a Cupra R

    Im currently saving up for a LCR as some of you will know, but now im starting to think more seriously about the cost. Initially i was looking at about £8K but that is a huge amount of money! Im starting to get a little nervous about parting with that amount. The argument is that im 21, have...
  13. venner

    Buying a Ibiza Cupra T

    Hi guys n gals 1st post here but been looking to get a Ibiza cupra turbo for a few months and going to look at my 1st one on sunday. Its a Blue X reg 2000 with 98500miles What sort of things should i be looking for as i couldnt find a buyers guide on the site. Ive read about...
  14. R@B

    advice on buying an ibiza

    Hi all, My sisters looking to buy a 05/06 1.4 sport and i was just wondering if theres anything i should look out for.
  15. Buying a modified LCR

    Am planning on going to have a look at a modified LCR in the next few days and was wondering what the additional pitfalls, if any, there are over a standard one? The one i am going to look at has been remapped to 270ish bhp, and has a carbon induction filter that i know of. What are the pros...
  16. buying leon HELP

    Hi, worndering if anyone could help, I am going to look at a leon cupra r 2003 (at the weekend) a think its the 210, apart form the power diffrance from the 225 is the 210 still a good car or would I be best holding off for the 225 as I have indention of doing a few mods to the engine? also the...
  17. 02 Arosa buying help

    I am considering buying a 1.0 S as my first car near me for £2400. Its a 52plate and only done 46k miles but it needs its service. Are there any common problems around this mileage that may cost me in the future when i get it serviced? When should have it been serviced? Any thought or comments...
  18. knomic84

    Advice on buying Y reg Leon Cupra 1.8 20vt ?

    I'm hopefully going to look at a Y reg Leon Cupra 1.8 20v t on Monday. Just wondering what i should be looking for in terms of common faults if any with Leons. I will be grateful for all replies, Thanks Michelle x
  19. Buying a Seat Ibiza 2005 1.4 Spots

    Hi all this is my first post, love some of the pics of your Seats As the title suggest we are looking at buying a 2005 Ibiza 1.4 sport 75. We took it for a test drive it drives quite nice, the one question I have is it seemed a bit clunky/hard when going over bumps would this be a fault...
  20. Buying a Cupra this weekend

    Hi, i'm buying my new Cupra on Saturday but i can't find the paper part of my license. :help: The dealer asked me to fax a copy of it to the finance company they use, before i phone them tomorrow to say i can't find it does anyone know if its a requirement to have the paper part to buy a car on...
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