
  1. philameena

    TCS Button - Arrrrghhh! Help !!!!!

    to cut a long story short... spilt a load of salt on the handbrake console (don't ask!) Got a Car Interior Wipe and gave it a good clean. Suddenly... TCS button 'pops' through the air and lands in the footwell. 'Bizarre' thinks me. Picks it up.. pops it back in and pushes it into place...
  2. muttly

    Volumetric sensor button not workin?

    hey peeps ..just had a search but couldnt find the answer i wanted .. i wanted to leave me windows open and lock my LCR today i know if ur press the volumetric sensor button below the drivers door u can disable them .. i removed the key from the ignition and pressed it for a second as per...
  3. DanGB

    Boot release button

    Hi all, Can someone please explain exactly what teh boot release button on the remote key fob does. I can seem to get anything out of it! Cheers
  4. cupra_brown

    whats this button?

    while giving my car a hovering within an inch of its life today i found a button i have never seen before. Had a look in my book and cant find anything in there about it. Just wondering what it is for. It is bugging the hell out of me :P...
  5. Handbrake button flaking

    The chrome-look handbrake button has started to peel off to reveal white plastic beneath... Is that button replacable on its own, and if so, part numbers and price if poss? :D
  6. slimjim

    What does the "Calendar" button do?

    How much do these extra privileges cost? "Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?" :shrug:
  7. Add an extra button?

    What about another option to the left of the "HOME" button to get to the main site?
  8. ALEX**

    The New Threads button

    Wheres it at? Cant see it? probably being dense!
  9. WeeJase

    quick links button

    having a mind of its own whether or not its going to opensometimes it does other times,computer says no
  10. Gizmo

    Forum Home button

    Can't seem to find a button to take me back to the main forums listing. Would be useful when burried deep down the forums (rather than using the browser back button) or opening the pull down list for the jump to forum list which is quite long. The area of the screen which shows which forum...
  11. slimjim

    New dash button....

    Just had a quick look at retro fitting these heated washer jets... Looks pretty easy ... But I wanted to know if there was a "button" I could utilise to put in next to my rear screen button. I.E. Here: Im not that fussed about what the button says.... Would the heated seats...
  12. When you press the lock door button twice...

    What actually happens? The dealer said it was deadlocking, but what does that actually mean??? Does it mean the doors are locked but the alarm isn't on? What is the security difference between pressing lock once and twice? Yes i know I could look it up somewhere, but it's so much...
  13. Strange button in the Cupra

    Can anybody tell me what the 'mystery button' does on the inside of the B pillar (bottom of drivers seatbelt) on the floor on the drivers side.? It shows a interior picture of the car and presses on and off and is backlit but doesnt seem to do anything. its not mentioned anywhere in the owners...
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)