

    Which strutt brace??

    which is better this? or a seat sport strutt brace? p.s does anyone have a boost gauge and oil pressure gauge for sale? Cheers
  2. strut brace

    just ordered the seat sport strut brace, just woundering how people fitted them and if it is easy. was told to take bolts out when car is on ground.
  3. Strutt brace help!

    I have been reading peoples opinions on seat sport and momo strutt braces, and the name Darren@willoughbys has come up as a good contact. How can I get in touch with him please?? Thanks :confused:
  4. Forbez

    Fitting a strut brace

    Gonna fit the strut brace tomoz, but i've been thinking would it be better if i jacked the car up on both sides, taking the strain off the turrets/ suspension and then fitting it? Or would the whole lot fall out if i did this and undid the bolts?
  5. Strut Brace

    Ill be getting a Strut brace just after Xmas, im wondering which one to go for? The SEAT sport one or the Forge motorsport one? Whats the difference between the two and is one better than T'other? Thanks for your help Cheers Adam
  6. RobDon

    Leon rear strut brace

    After being very dissapointed with the demise of the rear brace I had been helping Mike develop (No idea what's happened there?), I decided to do one myself. I bought an alloy OMP Honda Integra front strut brace (MA1834), which just happens to fit the boot of the Leon! I looked at many rear...
  7. Pabs

    LC/LCR Lower Front Strut Brace from S3

    Hey all bit of news and questions really, and i have searched..... I have been after an s3 lower front strut brace for my LC. Now, I know LCR's have them as standard, and when i was in dealer sorting other issues spoke to my friendly parts-man. They couldnt find it on ETKA, but said...
  8. RobDon

    Feeler: Leon adjustable, removable rear strut brace

    I have been working with a guy called Mike from Hughes Engineering, he asked me to help him develop a removable, adjustable rear strut brace for the Leon. Over the last 2 months I have been measuring and test fitting bits for him and now he is about to send me the final product to make sure it...
  9. Surfer_D

    Strut brace for ibiza cupra 20VT

    Where is the cheapest place to get it? Bill do you sell them? Thanks
  10. edc

    SEAT Leon Strut brace

    I remember a few of you were looking for strut braces and not sure whether you had any success finding one. Well I just got off the phone to Des @ Banshee and he tells me they can supply them at £54.99 + P&P. Member's get a further 10% discount -see the Discount forum for instructions...
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