
  1. AdamRoutley

    Just A Quicky (dog bone mounts)

    Just been quoted £40 supply and fit by performance VW...That about right?
  2. Finally ordered my HID's and dog bone

    AS the title suggests I have finally ordered my HID's and dog bone bush today. Got a bit bored and the debit card was within reach when I was at the computer whoops! I can't wait for the bits to arrive! Just a couple questions....firstly regarding the HID, I've gone for 6000k and got some...
  3. Dog bone on 03 210 cupraR

    Was going to fit a dog bone (i think its called) to my 03 210 cupra R as ive had it mapped by revo, this is because as much as i am happy with the performance with the car (and i realy am happy its a flying car on 4 wheels) lol. i do find that in first gear and second gear with any type of heavy...
  4. air121005

    Jabba Dog Bone Mount for the MK.4 Ibiza / VRS

    Just saw a thread on briskoda, Jabba are now able to supply an uprated Vibra Technics Dog Bone Mount. Later in the thread there are "lots of vibration" comments, which pass once it has been broken in :shrug...
  5. briggd01

    Fitting new Dog Bone C*ck up

    :doh:Well As per my previous post i was attempting to upgrade my dogbone bushs with Powerflex bush's. Read the posts thought yep could do this myself and disaster when tightening up the bolt that holds the bushs in place i managed to snap the bolt! [:@] Well and truly stuffed in there...
  6. owen lcr

    dog bone mount

    hi folks, i have just been on awseomes webite and see they have got two makes of dogbone mount, neuspeed or ECS tuning, i am just wondering which make you guys think would be better, or if you think it is worth getting. i done it on my LCR and it made a hell of a differance, so thought it might...
  7. G2232

    Bog bone

    Good day guys now just a quick call to ask if its as straight forward as it appears to fit the dig bone. Had a look in ther searches and from what i came across it was vague but i got the impression it was so was just wondering if anyone knew of a link or thread where there was a talk...
  8. skahigh

    Powerflex dog bone bush --> Awesome!

    Last night I fitted the dog bone bush from powerflex and all I can say is wow! what a great value for money mod! Considering that the bush cost less than my fabia rear wiper its made a massive difference to the driveability of the car. I can now floor it in second and not watch the front end...
  9. Neuspeed ARB's, HELIX clutch, Dog Bone mount and S3 Braces fitted today!

    What can i say this lot has totally transformed my car and bank balance!!! This has all gone on my CUPRA TDI and i can safely say that this is money well spent, the clutch has taken some getting used to but no more slipping, its quite a shock how much the dog bone mount does! and then the...

    LCR Dog Bone Mount

    hi guys which is the best mount to buy and how much is it??? cheers craig
  11. Powerflex Dog Bone Mount

    In between the rain showers yesterday, i fitted my Powerflex D/B mount, and what difference it's made to the whole attitude of the car. Ok so there is a slight harshness in the drive chain now, especially noticable at standstill when reving the engine, but the car feels just so much more...
  12. Dario

    Front Engine Mount Dog Bone I see that this is for the leon but will these product fit a ibiza MK4 ??? thnx

    powerflex dog bone mount??

    does anyone know the part number for the powerflex dogbone mount for the leon cupra r???? cheers:confused:
  14. Scotty_b

    HPA Dog bone mount.

    After getting my turbo fitted at VAG Tech the guys noticed that my “uprated” EIP dog bone mount was sh4gged, its only done about 10k but the guys thought there was more play in it than the stock one! Ive now got the HPA bushes fitted and the extra cylindrical bush that none of the other...
  15. Greytop

    Does your FR attract bone heads?

    Well ours seems to :rolleyes: , on several occasions over the last few days the rear of our FR seems to act like a magnet for 'go faster' boys. Last night whilst picking my youngest daughter up from TGI Fridays we had more than unwelcome attention from much 'modified' Nova, Fiesta and Focus...
  16. Mattman

    Dog bone torque settings

    hi, please could someone confirm the correct settings for the dogbone mount on an LCR please, i have done a search and it came up with 30lb for the big bolts and 20lb for the smaller ones ??? i want to get it right first time around !! thanks matt
  17. Dog Bone Mount

    Apologies for what might seem a stupid question bu what does a dog bone mount actually do, and what will changing it do to the handling of my car. Just read a few posts about upgrading it and wanted a bit more info. Thanks
  18. Mat138L

    bog bone mount fitted

    just fitted my mount and have noticed a lot more vibration through the steering is this normal its not bad you can feel engine more i have been told this is normal until the bushes bed in :shrug:.
  19. J@mes

    dog bone mount...

    iv got the pwerflex dog bone mount poly bushes (from forge) and i will be fitting them soon when i fit my coilovers. thing is... im sure i read the other day that when u fit the dog bone mount/bushes it makes the engine sit ever so slightly lower! :blink: for those who know about bluflame...
  20. cupra-c_ya

    dog bone mount leon cupra

    Hi there chaps! just some advice on dogbone mounts for the leon cupra, what are the best ones to go for? how much etc and are there any maufacturers that produce low vibration mounts as dont really want loads of vibration. is it better to buy just the bushes or the...
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