
  1. Locking wheel bolts

    I know questions have been asked about locking wheel bolts/nuts before, however ive done many searches and still cant find what im looking for. Im looking at getting the McGard Ultra bolts (39.9 mm as i have spacers), and i have 17" compomotive alloys. Will these fit ok? The reason i ask is...
  2. neil

    Wheel bolts

    I feel a bit stupid for asking but ........ I have just bought a set of compomotive mo's for my Leon Cupra , can I use the standard wheel bolts or do I have to get some new ones ? :hide: neil
  3. widdowd

    Locking Wheel Bolts

    Just put on 15mm spacers on the rear of my beeza (Thanks Bill) just wondering if you can get longer locking wheel bolts .... Daz
  4. Forbez

    Strut bolts?? Help needed....

    Hi i recently fitted a strut brac to the car, but was thinking, do the bolts that secure the strut brace to the struts need to be torqued up to a certain torque rating? And if so, what does it need to be? Cheers Tom
  5. Whobbly bolts

    anyone had experience of these? they are special bolts u can use to convert 4x98 pcd to 4x100.... just wondered if they are 100% safe etc??? surely they must be if they are sold in the first place but thought id ask...
  6. Russ_20vt

    FAO Ibiza and spacers>Locking wheel bolts!!

    Right ladys and gents, ive been searching the net for long locking wheel bolts to go with my spacers. Ive got 15mm hubcentric with longer bolts supllied from BIll off here. Basically ive found these and thought i would show you all, as ive read some are in need of them...
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