
  1. dubz_wm

    headlight bulb blown.....??

    hey all I thought i had blown my drivers side bulb on my cupra over the weekend, turns out the bulb is fine, same with the fuses and relays. what else poss could it be? there not standard bulbs they are 100w ice blue bulbs. any ideas what else could of gone wrong?
  2. Boost Pipe Blown Off

    Hi All, Just had this issue again (page 2 of below thread) and have the rescue guys coming around in an hour. Does anyone know if this is fixable without a visit to the garage. This was never an issue until I got the belts changed, do you guys think I have a case for a free repair as its...
  3. dirtbiker

    Blown 1.6S Head Gasket?

    Hi all, Well, got a new problem with my Leon 1.6s (16v - AZD engine) now - it seems to drive fine as long as the revs are kept below about 3k but going any higher than that results in a buzzing noise from the engine compartment and a major loss of power. I've not noticed any loss of coolant...
  4. Shorted battery - blown fuse?

    Hi! Jump starting at night, how hard can it be? Who came up with the idea to have brown/orange cables connected to the "-" side on the battery any way? Well it happened, I managed to short the battery for a couple of seconds! Problem: The turn signals, rear wiper, interior light, head...
  5. Blown Front Speakers

    I have an ibiza FR, however my drivers front speaker has gone, i am taking this opportunity to justify spending money on upgrading the front speakers, whats the best bet for good quality, looking at stuff like focal etc if i can get hold of them. Not just getting a halfords special or summin...
  6. LED side lights - will I get a blown bulb warning?

    All right all Dose any one know if the bulbs I have ordered will play up as they are led and the on board computer will this the bulb has blown Also has any one used them?? I have ordered the white pair Cheers
  7. Boost pipe blown off a Tdi Cupra :-(

    Hi people, new here but i've got a quick question. The boost pipe has come off the turbo on my 04 Cupra Tdi, accelerated in second and pissssssssssshhhhh, massive exhalation and jerked and spluttered my way home! Located the pipe that had came off, re-connected it but just popped off again...
  8. Ibiza125

    205 full blown track car - PICS 22/09/09

    Just went down to Morecambe today to pick up a new beast that me and dad have bought. Some specs on the car, but LAD have kept quiet about most of the exact parts used: Engine: - Engine has been fully rebuilt, it has a lightened crankshaft and flywheel, competition pistons, main and big...
  9. Blown turbo and continuing problems

    Hi alli.. I have an Ibiza Cupra PD160 with remap, panel filter and exhaust with no muffler and cat. Last week blown my vnt17 turbo and decided to put a little big head to the stock vnt17 turbine and manifold.. My aim was to make an hybrid vnt17/22 but the place that I sent my blown...
  10. strugers1..leonidas for sale.. bmw 330d has been purchase pics inside

    thought i better do ne of these i guess so here it is start to now..i want to say start to finish but ill never finish i had it remapped and then i decided it needed a body kit and wheels i also replaced the steering wheel and pedal covers to brighten up the interior
  11. RobDon

    RobDon's Leon evolving.

    Not wanting to clog up Jamie's thread with my stuff, I've decided to start my own thread. As you know, my ATP GT2X turbo has blown. Oil smoke belching out the exhaust, burning oil and a screeching sound when it comes on boost! So ... the turbo has to come off. I have decided to do it...
  12. Help car wont start

    Hi please help. Cupra has been driving fine. Got into the car today it starts revs and then dies. If you floor the peddle it gets to about 3000 then dies. Please does anyone have any ideas?
  13. Seals blown on turbo - what are my options?

    Hey Guys I've been told that the seals have blown on my turbo and that I will need a new one. I have a 2003 Seat Cupra. Should I get Seat to replace my turbo like for that, or is their other options I can consider?
  14. blown engine

    Hi every1, does any1 no if the golf 1.8t will fit straight in to my ibiza cupra cheers.
  15. Dom Sweeten

    something's blown!! exhaust? help

    haha, you may laugh but here's what's happened... At some lights I put it into 3rd instead of 1st and tried to pull away (not too hard) and the car just kinda died. It feels like the exhaust has blown. similar to a previous car when the center section seperated. I now have a very shuddering...
  16. Quick help - boost pipe blown off?

    Driving back form Bristol today, accelerating onto dual carriage way... Very loud whoosh then loose power goes into limp. Been fine all day otherwise. Restart and turbo working but losing all boost, then goes into limp again. Classic symptoms of a pipe coming adrift somewhere. A...
  17. diss_50

    Finally got a HU in my MK4 Ibiza Cupra - but Fuse Blown?

    Finally fitted my HU in my MK4 Ibiza. But I forgot to take the CD out the standard :doh: ! lol - So tried to connect it up again and no power. So i tried my aftermarket one again and that never worked either. Now this involved switching the red and yellow wires to keep the memory when I turn the...
  18. phoenix

    Blown A Hose Help

    the other night while under full boost my car suddenly sounded like a pressure washer gone mad, Turns out i have blown the small pipe that runs from the charge pipe to the recirculating valve (oo7) , i spoke to seat direct about this to get a replacement and it appears they don't do one? can...
  19. Engine Blown???

    Ive got a 2.0 16v ABF engine and the auxilary belt has come off due to a pulley coming out the side of the engine. I think its the pulley connected to the crankshaft. I know the timing is done with the cambelt but could this of had any effect on the crank? A mechanic is trying to say its cheaper...
  20. StuLCR52

    blown boost pipe n new zorst box

    on the way to get the exhaust sorted blew the boost pipe clean of the charge pipe, oops ne hows thats fixed after limping to longlife in basingstoke at 3psi lol, got the centre section sorted after the gasket had blown thro, now got a lovely deep roar from the back box as well hehe, stu
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