
  1. vwbassett

    LCR Black Cloth Cleaner?

    Hi i need something good to bring my LCR black cloth back to newish condition. I had tried some stain remover in the cuboard for the house but this has left what is more like darker and lighter patches. Is there anything good you guys recommend? Cheers Adam
  2. need some reassurance - black smoke on tdi

    Hi, I need some reassurance - I've just driven home from work, heard a pop and then car started throwing out black smoke, noticeable power drop too. I wasn't thrashing the car (for a change!) when it happened. A nice taxi driver pulled up alongside and shouted exhaust at me so I'm keeping...
  3. Black wheels on red Leon?

    I am in need of advice. I've got a red Leon and am toying with the idea of getting the wheels powder coated black after seeing a white K1 with black alloys on. Firstly, has anyone got any pics of a red Leon with genuine black Seat Cupra alloys on? Secondly, has anyone had this done in the...
  4. marccowley1

    Matt black ibiza?

    Anyone seen one, made one? My bodywork is horrendous on mine and thinking of doing this, its gonna be sitting on my drive as it isn't taxed and thinking of preping it while its sat there then taking it to work and having it sprayed up. Anyone got any pics of how this'll look? Thanks!
  5. my black leon cupra UPDATED!!!!!

    I have had this car for about 6 months now and im loving every minute of driving it still. I am trying to do little bits to it to make it satnd out without making it look stupid if you know what i mean. Here are a few pics of how its changed over the past 6 months. When i first bought the...
  6. S2TTB

    Black Roofs

    tried the search but was getting all sorts of pish returned. Looking for diff pics of black roofs on the leons... so i can decide how to paint mine :)
  7. Cleaning the Black Mk5

    So I managed to pry the keys off the wife today for the ride to work. Plenty of smiles as this little thing corners so well!! Anyway, as the weathers been crap all week I decided to give the week old ibiza a clean, then it all came flooding back to me, BLACK!!!!!!!:cry: I used to ride a...
  8. Too Rich - Black smoke

    Well, another problem with my LCR :( Within the past couple of weeks it's been going in to limp mode and showing the CEL. Checked Vagcom and it's giving the code: 17535 - Fuel Trim; Bank 1 (Mult): System too Rich Also black smoke appears to be coming from the exhaust - once I clear the...
  9. Black Leon FR on 18'' Black Orion

    Hi everyone! Today I ordered a brand new Leon FR with the 18'' black orion. I've been searching and searching for some real pictures of such configuration but haven't found any. Can anyone please upload a few pictures so I can see what I'm getting lol. Thanks!
  10. Black Smoke!

    Hi, I was driving on friday and all of a sudden I seemed to loose power and noticed a worrying amount of black smoke coming out of the exaust. I could barely keep up to 20mph. So pulled over to check for loose turbo pipes etc all seemed fine. Called the AA out and it was showing up as a egr...
  11. Petrol-Head-Pete

    Wheel spacers and bolts for black gloss alloys

    I am looking at getting some 15mm spacers for the rear wheels of my k1, i have the black gloss alloys, do i need to get longer bolts in black to allow for the spacers if so where can i get black ones from? also any pics of leons with rear spacers would be good to see. thanks guys
  12. Black Ploom of Smoke TDi

    Hi looking for some advise have just been driving and had to limp home on what I guess was safe mode with a horrible squeeling noise. When I was driving up hill had a big ploom of black smoke come out the back then lost most of the power of the car, managed to limp it back to the garage as...
  13. hon_n_gem

    Black tar like spots on paint

    Hi all, I have quite a few, and very annoying, black tar like spots over the car. They were on there from when I bought it but, I cannot seem to get rid of them. Ive tried a few things but nothing seems to work?! Any ideas?! Or shall I get a professionl car detailer?! Cheers, Hon
  14. black b pillar vinyl for 5 door

    right so this is the question i know alot of people have done it with a 3 door, will it be just as simple to do with a 5 door mk3 ibiza?
  15. black gloss door piller trims

    Hi, I have just seen an fr with these fitted to the b post and the rear door instead of the mat textured ones on my sport. Are these an accessory or standard for an fr?
  16. Black Grill

    Sorry if this is in the wrong place. Does anyone know the part number for the mk2 cupra black grill. The part that is normally silver but black on the K1? Thanks
  17. Pacey

    Ideas on alloys for Black Cupra tdi?

    Hello Boys and Girls I really need your help now! I am looking at buying some new Alloys for my Black Cupra TDI 54 reg. The front 2 tires on mine are getting a bit low so thought I would go for it and get some new wheels :) looking at spending around £500 so need some peoples input on what to...
  18. black paint

    can someone confirm; 1. that the vw diamond blackis the same as seat black magic (both pearlescent) and 2. the code is lc92 cheers!!
  19. Black and Yellow Cupra R alloys

    I have just gave my spare alloy to my mate who sprays wheels and i have asked for the whole thing to be sprayed black with the face between the spokes to match the yellow of my car, the face to be yellow is not the one right on the tip of wheel but the domed affect one just offset into the...
  20. Project Black mk1 leon now with steering wheel controls

    Having bought my car 3 months ago i wanted to keep it pretty standard till my warranty had run out-although im still having things done at the moment regarding the warranty but thats for another day. £6.5K for car and another £1k later in insurance and i was the proud owner of my lcr its a...
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