
  1. johno1404

    Bad Vibration

    Morning People Im thought i would pack peoples brains as to whats wrong with my Ibiza before i take it to my dads garage. Basically i seem to be getting really bad vibration through the whole car. It seems to be under hard acceleration such as motorway slip roads. I would say it starts at...
  2. BigWill

    Can anyone shed some light on my problem. Lighting up the boot (bad pun intended)

    Hi there, after countless times of rooting around my boot at night and never been able to see in there, Is there a way of say like hooking a light up to the interior lights. I would love to get a red LED in there without looking too maxpowah! Thanks Will
  3. DOLBY

    LCR suspension..'not that bad really'..

    has anyone else noticed in all fairness the stock LCR suspension isnt actually that bad?, especially for fast road use. we all know the dampers have a limited life span, and they squeek and groan in the wet etc.. and i admit i have got rear spacers and front strut brace but ever so lately (since...
  4. Razor

    Good or Bad ? Just came across this on while in work. Is this good ? money wise... Also how easy is it to wire it all up to mk3...
  5. bad petrol smell

    hi ppl not been on ere 4 a while not realy had a problem until nah...i started my car other day and it realy smelt of petrol,i dnt av a leak but the car was nearly stalling its done this afew times nah but there is no engine light on...fanx 4 replys
  6. StokieShinobi

    Yellow/Whity Sutt on Oil Cap = Bad???

    Hello :) Looked at my oil cap today and it doesn't look good, does anyone have any suggestions on what could be the cause / problem / fix for this? Head gasket? Any help appreciated
  7. 16487 P0103 Mass or Volume Air Flow Circ High Input

    vag com give me these codes 16487 P0103 Mass or Volume Air Flow Circ High Input 17968 max engine speed exceeded i aint been over 120mph on provate road :S this mean my maf has gone again ? keeps losing boost aswell have to reset ecu with vag com all the time.

    Nomad pillar mounts, good or bad?

    Hi all, I'm going to buy an Autogauge Boost and Oil Temp gauge, however, even after searching continously through various threads i still cant make my mind up on what pillar mount to fit them in. A lot of people go for the Nomad variety which are easy to fit but apparently dont look as...
  9. paul-murphys

    254bhp lcr after dyno... good or bad

    i have just got back from weston performance where i had my car on dyno for the 1st time.... i will try put graph on here if i can. the guy said he could remap it to 270 for an extra 300... when he had the dyno on the boost was all over the place an he said it will be like that because the remap...
  10. Ok its Black smoke not White - My Bad

    White Smoke - Leon FR 150 All, Got a remap last week, have just notived that when hammering it at full throttle and under quick response I sometimes get some white smoke in my rear view mirror. Is this normal for a REVO 190bhp Remap? Any advice would be much appreciated, Thanks,
  11. ktulumike

    Mk2 Leon FR TDi - Ktulumike

    So here she is, 2007 reg. Re mapped, Eibach springs, BBS CH 18" wheels, 12" In Phase sub, Kenwood component door speakers and Kenwood double din head unit(pics to follow)
  12. Jonesy

    Bad knocking on cold start. Please have a listen

    Took a quick video Clicj here to hear my knocking you can hear the knocking just before the beep :(
  13. Leon Fr 18" Alloys,bad Quality??

    Has Anyone Found That Their Alloys Are Showing Signs Of Being Chipped And Especially In Behind The Spokes.even When Ive Washed Them They Look Like They've Had A Few Years Done On The Road.ive Had Mine A Year Now,8000miles To B Exact.anyone With This Problem??
  14. EPC and Engine light :( Hope its not bad news

    Hi guys hoping you can help me out here. I bought a 2002 Ibiza chill with 18,000 mioles on the other day. Lovely car being my first car and all. However after all the excitement of the putchase and then getting the car home ive noticed a few things i didnt spot on the sale DOH The first...
  15. mk1 LC serviced myself - now it's running bad :(

    Help! I'm a bit fed up - just spent all day servicing my beloved 02 cupra 180, and now she's not happy at all. Here's what I did: Oil + Filter Fuel Filter Air Filter Pollen Filter In addition I sprayed carb cleaner down the MAF, and put injector cleaner in the fuel, and found a...
  16. Cordoba 16v bad tickover

    Hi iv had the cordoba for acouple of years, about 8 months ago it strarted having avery rough idle, The garage said it was the throttle body gummed up. so they cleaned it and refitted it. The problem is now worse. It will start and tick over but the idle is changing from about 650 to 1100 rpm...
  17. Stiggy

    Really Bad Scuffed Alloys

    Hi All, Tried to fit trough a gap that wasn't as big as i thought earlier today & managed to scrape my right side alloys along a kerb whilst doig 50m.p.h !! [:@]The front is really badly damaged (see photo) & the rear only in a couple of places. Do any of you think they can be repaired or...
  18. Gnollins

    Bad stone chip

    A large stone recently had a disagreement with the bonnet of my black LCR leaving a small dent and a deep scratch and stone chip. :( I'm not bothered about getting the dent pressed out as it's barely noticeable. However, what's the best way to deal with the stone chip? It's approx 5mm x 3mm...
  19. STOCKY

    My old ibiza...looks in a bad way lol

    Can't believe the state of my old ibiza.....:(
  20. Why is VW/Seat Customer Service SO bad?!

    Well......any ideas?? Good cars but cr*p service!
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