
  1. Bobby.Gee

    The Decided One. Onvi Leon Cupra R (New pics In The Light!)

    I thought I would start a thread as it might spur me on with the leon. Ive owned it for about 4 months now and to be honest its fantastic to drive and really comfortable. However ive got quite bored of it now so i thought id join the site hoping it would rekindle my first passion for it...
  2. arge

    Blueflame cat back gasket query

    So fitted my blueflame cat back this evening on one of the ramps at work, which was a doddle ! :funk: Thrilled to bits with it, quality seems spot on, fitment was easy and it looks and sounds awsome ! :clap: Anyway i have a quick query... Where the origonal cat joins the blueflame there...
  3. passenger seat back will not tilt to allow people in car

    as above, but back of seat will move back and forth using round knob to adjust angle.[:@]

    milteck turbo back

    At present my leon 2.0 tfsi is Revo stge 1 , milteck catback , panel filter and Forge DV . I am now looking into getting the turbo back section of milly . What sort of gains have you lads found doing this ? ps i ve been searching forum with out finding the answer .
  5. Milltek Cat Back

    Hi. I have a Altea FR TFSi and want to get a better exhaust, I have been looking at the milltek non resonated as this is what a number of the leon fr and cupra have fitted but I don't see an altea option. Does anyone know if the leon fr tfsi non resonated milltek will fit the altea...
  6. Engine block corner gone - only two bolts left - options!

    Rev-linked engine bay WHINING, goes away on the throttle, comes back off the throttle Hi, I have a 2002 Seat Leon with 120k on the clock. Things generally fine until last night when I do a bit of reversing, then switch back to forward gears. Since then there is a high-pitched WHINE which...
  7. Got FR back box in the bag

    Hello, I've got a 1.9TDI stylance sport, its got ths standard single pipe exhaust. But I bagged myself a nearly new FR backbox for a £10. But I just thought, is there a different backbox for the petrol and diesel models?
  8. Back of the Aura Head Unit

    Alright guys? Was just wondering whether anyone had a picture of the rear of the standard AURA head unit on a Leon MK1? I am thinking of buying this...
  9. Gooner_Mike

    Can I paint an exhaust back box/tip?

    Hello folks, just a quicky really. I have recently purchased a 2nd hand cat-backl exhaust for my 20VT Ibiza. I am going for a matte black and grey theme with my car (see pic in sig) and was wondering: Can I paint the tip of the exhaust matte black to match? :confused: Any ideas much...
  10. AdamRoutley

    Putting Car back to standard

    next task is to whip out my alpine HU, i still have the single slot aura, ready with code. is it simply a case of plugging the iso off the apline into the aura? and i know there isnt a cage for the aura so does it simply just push into place? thanks
  11. RickyD1975

    Just back from dealers for Warranty work

    Good Afternoon All, I've just come back from the dealers from having some warranty work done on my 33 month old Cupra. I thought it would be useful to list these just incase other MK2 Leon owners are having similar problems/concerns. 1) O/S Front wet window problem rectified with...
  12. Berg

    back popping and wierd smell

    All of a sudden ive noticed my car seems to back pop I know for most this is normal, but its never really done it often in the 7 months ive had the car But last few weeks its done it all the time, mainly when i let off and when coming to a stop etc Its just a catback system too Also...
  13. cus

    Slammed Audi A4 :) ... page 4 = RIP :(

    well as many of you already know, had a SEAT Ibiza Cupra, couldn't afford running costs, so PX'd for a Pug 106. It was a great, fun car to drive, but decided I needed VAG in my life again! so bought a completely standard 1996 Audi A4 1.9 TDI.. done some little things to it, and now it looks...
  14. roly

    My Cordy SX daily driver

    With an impending move coming next year and a few extra miles to work i decided it was time i got a daily driver. Sense would say get a diesel but me being me i decided i still wanted something fun but sensible, so when this came up for sale i couldn't say no. It's an ex seat UK car...
  15. ather`s

    back axle refurb

    im in the process of rebuilding a mk3 cupra back axle and putting it on my mk2. the front brakes are refurbed and ready to be put on the car but will wait until its all ready then do it all in 1 hit. my question is, ive stripped the axle down, cleaned everything up and am putting the stubb axle...
  16. car cuting back

    last night when driving home the car started to stutter or cut back under acceleartion. disconnected maf still the same, connected snap on ethos diagnostic tester 3 intermittent faults. 1. maf signal too low 2. coolant temp sensor 3. throttle body position...
  17. My back window smashed??!!WTF

    As I pulled into the works carpark this morning I heard a loud bang followed by the back window cracking...there is absolutely no sign of someone throwing something at it - a couple of workmates were walking past me and didn't see anything. I did have the rear demist on too. Has anyone ever...
  18. Nobber

    Well, I'm back!!

    Morning All! Some of you may know me, most of you probably don't! So if so, here's a bit of history: First I had this: Then I got this: Then we took a slight detour and got this as a daily: and this as the weekend toy: But now.....we are back in the family...
  19. Cheapest Place For A Blueflame Cat Back?

    Hi Guys Im after a Blueflame Cat Back Exhaust System for my 2004 LCR. Does anyone know the cheapest place to get one? The cheapest I have found is on THIS website for £287.53 including vat and I have used them before without any problems. Fitting is not an issue as I will be doing this...
  20. ashley600

    cat back

    will a cat back exhaust improve my bhp, or do i need to go turbo back for proper gains
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)