
  1. gtd86

    APR or Bells Auto???

    Right stuck in a dilema, getting remap... Do i go for APR which is only half an hour away n costs £450 or Bell auto custom map "Personal map on standard car, with adjustments to suite driving style and needs, a lot stronger than generic maps/tuning" which means a 3 1/2hour drive to york...
  2. gtd86

    APR Trial tested/testing

    APR Trial tested/testing 21psi??? Just been up2 get my APR trial put on the car, after testing it on the way home... I do find it has more power(not as much as i thought), the power delivery is quite a bit smoother. but overall i don't think i can justify £440 for it to be put on...

    Apr Stuck In Chipped Octane 98 Mode

    My APR is stuck in the Third program mode (Chipped mode for 98 octane).:) :cry: I cant change the program mode and the engine management light does not flash.:shrug: :confused: :cry: The car has four modes all selectable via retrofitted cruise control stalk. 1). one flash for stock program...
  4. Anyone running APR stage 2 on K03S

    anyone tried this setup or have it at the moment if so how is your car running have u had it rolling roaded if so how did it perform many thanks.
  5. APR downpipe

    Is this good? Is it anyone with such a downpipe? I am runing with a stock turbo; PS: I need this for my 2005 cupra r Regards, Mike
  6. Feel

    APR 400bhp 2.0T Forthcoming Kit

    Car itself looks horrendous :sick: http://www.vwvortex.com/artman/publish/vortex_news/article_1860.shtml
  7. apr mappeed ecu exchange

    looking at exchanging my stock ecu for an apr one looked at it and looks easy enough haas anyone had any problems on changing there ecu.Does the map still work after being unpluged as i read something about hat before on here or is that sh**te.
  8. APR air flow logs

    I've seen plenty of logs of revo'd LCR's pushing 190-200 g/s on stage 1 but I'm running APR stage 1 and I've never got over 190 g/s. Is this normal due to APR running less boost or is my MAF under reading? How do other APR'd cars fair compared to Revo etc..when it comes to air flow. Don't...
  9. revo or apr tuning software

    Hi guys, recently purchased my second LCR after changing the first for a Honda s2000. Looking to get some extra bhp for the lcr but am not sure whether to go for the revo or apr. On my first lcr had revo trial and wasnt impressed, thought that top end performance had decreased. One of the boys...
  10. YerMother

    APR K04 kit for 2.0TFSI

    Have a butchers! http://www.goapr.com/Audi/products/turbo_b7a4_k04.html 298BHP on 93 octane! Things are looking good for the cupra! :D EDIT: Sorry just realised it's for the longitudinal engine not transverse but still! Looks promising for a K04 2.0T :happy:
  11. dj_bigfella

    Revo / Custom Code / Apr

    Just had the 5 hour trial from REVO KEV at inters last night. It is an absolute awsome feeling! Straight down the country lanes and onto the M1 felt great. Unfortunatly i was stuck in a 2mph traffic for 3 hours so im afraid I've lost most of my trial time! Nevertheless, I want this...
  12. Apr remap

    Hi, has anyone had an APR remap done on their fr 20vt ?. If so how has it performed, have you had any problems with it, and what fuel map did you go for?. Thanks:)
  13. APR Tuning...results from Stage 2 Data Logging

    After all of the flak regardinfg APR I've had my car data logged following previous threads and the allegations made by other people regarding APR's mapping. I have had the car looged by an independant friend using VAG COM and I visited Awesome last week where APR technicians from the US had...
  14. cuprabaz

    APR intake hose

    What's the script with these? They look very similar to the forge/samco ones which are very popular, what's wrong with these? http://www.goapr.co.uk/hoses.html
  15. Mat138L

    APR remap stage 1 + 2

    would like to say a big thanks to andy at Awsome for doing stage 1 and 2 for me today well happy with it great service as normal.:worship:
  16. freddy_t

    APR Re-map's characteristics

    Hi guys, Considering an APR re-map to my Ibiza Cupra. Wondering if you guys can help me on a few questions I have. 1) After re-map does it pull nicely through the revs? ie strong to 6500rpm. as opposed to other re-map companys who add a lot of boost but power feels flat at 5000rpm? 2)...
  17. apr stage 2 LCR no power

    Just recently had APR stage 2 sofware loaded car now is absloutley amazing I noticed today when you drive the car fast and try to again it seems to be flat no power at all. If you then switch the ignition off and on it goes back to normal, I will speak to Awsome on monday I was wondering if...
  18. rogers

    APR and remap

    iv had the APR softwear put on my car and i was wondering about changing the cams in my car or having them re-profiled, i will need a remap after this but is this possible with the APR softwear on my ecu???
  19. LEON_FR

    APR Stage

    hey just wondered if anyone could tell me what the difference is between Stage 1 and 2? Is stage 2 just another remap? power gains between the 2? Any help appriciated.:confused:
  20. Hello, APR Tuning and Radio Codes

    Hello there, I'm new to the forum and this is my first post. Been reading for a few days and finally found the need to actually register so i can make a post. I have just bought a black 2004 Leon Cupra, lovely motor. Full electrically adjustable leather interior and all the toys. One...
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