
  1. Havok316

    Throttle Body Alignment

    Hi i just need a quick reminder as i forgotten but how do you align the throttle body? Is it turn your ignition to full and leave it 20 minutes?
  2. davels

    4 wheel alignment

    had my full 4 wheel alignment done today, £50 and 40 mins later it's all done, the guy even took my car for a "test" drive but think that more down to him looking at buying one:) they gave me a printout to show before and after settings and the lady at the desk explained what the bloody hell...
  3. Wheel alignment specifications and performance

    Hi all, i am a new Leon Stylance 1.6 owner and today i went to the dealer for the first service around 1500km. I had a feeling that something was not going fine and i asked them to check the wheel alignment....and i was right. The toe was out of range -0,2 (Left) +0,2 (Right) which is...
  4. Pabs

    4 wheel alignment results - comments please

    Hey all... Here are my 4 wheel alignment results from last week. Now, does anyone care to comment on these? The car still pulls to the left badly (IMO) and I want to improve it, but I really cant see what else to do. I've had this problem since buying the car about 2yrs ago. Since...
  5. Lazer Wheel Alignment in Bristol

    Hi, Do you any of you guys know/recommend somewhere in or near bristol to get 4 wheel lazer alignment? I'm definately experiencing a slight pull to the right (or is that just my brain urging me into the outside lane :whistle: )
  6. Nottingham Alignment Services

    Just thought I'd post another recommendation for this place. Their website is here: I went to them last year with the Ibiza (see this thread: and was impressed with their service. I've just been...
  7. skOOby

    4 Wheel alignment in South Bucks/Berkshire?

    Got some strange tyre wear in the Cupra R, anyone recommend somewhere reputable to get my alignment checked? skOOby
  8. Colin

    Help!!! Wheel Alignment

    Can somebody point me in the direction of a good place in the northwest where i can get my wheels aligned (Not Awesome as they have fecked it up twice and now wont sort it wothout charging me [:@] ) Cheers Col
  9. steering wheel alignment

    I'm a bit cheesed off with the local dealer who has just tracked my car but can not manage to get the steering wheel setup so that it is centre when the road wheels are pointing forward - they have tried a few times today and said it can't be done easily :doh: I need to turn the steering...
  10. Tracking Wheel Alignment

    Got new front tyres yesterday GSD3 :D . They also done the tracking for me. Now my LCR is drifting to the left and the steering wheel isnt aligned properly! Went back today and they had another go at tracking it......Still the ducking same! Can anyone tell me the correct tracking values for a...
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