a or c

  1. Yaboy

    Fault codes abs and a/c pressure switch

    Hi , I just got two error codes i was wondering if anyone could help me out a little cos I dont know what i need to do to fix the problem . 00285- abs speed sensor front right (g45) 012 electrical fault in circuit and 00792 a/c pressure switch (f129) 03_10 no signal could someone...
  2. chris999

    no cooling fan, A/C or turbo cooler fan???!!

    Just wondering if any body has had similar probs. If i am stuck in traffic the car risess in temp as the fan doesn't come on. also my A/c doesn't work and when i turn the ignition off the turbo fan doesn't come on. any diagnoses or advice?? by the way i checked the fuses near the serial port...
  3. DIY a/c recharging...?

    Anyone tried one of these to recharge the refridgerant in their air conditioning systems recently? Only started seeing them around in the past couple of months. Are they any good?:confused: I presume the recharge point is the silver little valve that sticks up above the radiator?
  4. A/C relay

    Does anyone know which relay cnotrols the a/c on an Ibiza cupra 20vt 2001 ?Also does anyone have a wiring diagram for thr Ibiza ?
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