
  1. undefined

    mk3 ibiza 20vt

    hi. had the car about 3 weeks.planning some mods but all in time. based in sheffield. piccys took on phone so might look ****..:D how she looked the day i got her home.. after a good clean.. . change of plates.. thats it for now.. just added xennon kit but waitin...
  2. My new Mk4 Ibiza Cupra 20vt

    I just got it yesterday. It's a 54 plate with no mods yet apart from green cotton panel filter :)
  3. Timmyboy

    Greetings - new Cupra 20VT owner

    Hi all, I've just sold my Toledo V5 after nearly 3 years of happy ownership and have replaced it with a nice shiny yellow Leon 20VT :) - thought I'd say hello. It's an 03 plate with 36k on the clock and is pretty much mint - not even one curb on the alloys, I'm very pleased so far. Don't...
  4. Just brought another Cupra - 20vt this time

    I just brought a 2004 Cupra 20vt to replace by Cupra PD160 which I will be losing on friday when I change jobs. Picking it up next week so will be Ibiza-less for a couple of days :cry: I'll miss the steering wheel mounted controls and other 2007 model bits but at least I will own it properly...
  5. Cupra 20vt replacement clutch

    I've seen a nice re-mapped Cupra 20vt but the clutch is slipping on it. I might offer the seller ~£500 less and get it replaced. Is it worth getting an uprated clutch or just a replacement Seat one. :think: I have searched loads but most clutch problems seem to be with the TDIs rather than...
  6. Indicator Problems - 2001 Leon 20vT

    Hi all, Over the last few days my indicators have gradually stopped working. Started when using the stalk, they would flash for a few seconds then just stop, which was annoying but could be corrected by just re-applying the indicators. However, it has got steadily worse and now I can barely...
  7. Seat Ibiza FR 20VT rim wide

    hi :) i wanted to know if i can fit a 215 tyre on the stock 16" rims thanks :)
  8. part number wanted. 20vt rear engine mount

    as above could do with the part no for the mk3 20vt rear engine mount thanks matt
  9. g-max

    1.8 20vt problem

    Hi to all ! I'am from Bulgaria. Speak English too less, please excuse me. I have problem with my Cupra, code AYP.(17832 Secondary air injection Air system,bank1-leak detected ). Not constant + to relay. Fuse, Secondary air injection , valve, hose, relay is whole. When short + relay, secondary...
  10. CupraElliott

    1.8 20VT Decat downpipe

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VW-GOLF-GTi-BEETLE-CUPRA-IBIZA-A3-20v-TURBO-DE-CAT_W0QQitemZ220161249793QQihZ012QQcategoryZ38786QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Anyone got one of them? Any good? I have a Powerflow on my car at the minute, but pretty sure it's just a CAT back.
  11. CupraElliott

    BMC on the 1.8 20VT

    Anyone use one of these? Any good?
  12. cupra-kiz

    My 20vt

    Mods include Cupra R front bumper lowered aero front wipers skoda rear wiper HID headlamps( Taken from Audi S3 ) Bailey dump valve BHP upgrade The yellow one belongs to a mate at work
  13. ibiza 20vt boost problem

    Hi guys duno if any1 has experienced this before. well my car on full throttle doesnt seem to accelerate very well but on half throttle when it comes on boost it takes off like rocket and feels like 200bhp but when its on full throttle feels like 120bhp!! can anybody help??
  14. thomascy

    Panel Air Filter For Cupra 1.8 20Vt

    What is your opinion for the ITG panel air filter for the Cupra 1.8 20Vt? I am thinking to install one to my Cupra. :) Any other suggestions for panel air filters? Thanks, Thomas
  15. Issues with recently purchased 18 20vT Sport

    I recently bought an 2000 Onvi Yellow 1.8 20v Turbo Leon. Its a great car that's been remapped to 220bhp lowered with a set of jamex springs and uprated grooved and vented brakes and a sweet set of 17in Metalic Anthricite OZ Allows Its so much fun except for a few small issues. First...
  16. Seat Leon 20VT CUPRA exhaust... HELP PLEASE

    Hi everyone, can anyone tell me if the 20vt leon exhaust is the same as the 1.9tdi exhaust. its got the same twin tail pipes and looks the same but not sure really just wanted someone to confirm if they are or not if possible. the exhaust is from a SEAT LEON 2004 1.9 TDI and it WOULD if...
  17. Eternal Rage

    Remap Advice on an Old 2000 (x) 20VT Leon...

    Hiya. I have a APP engine code, and been informed i cant have Direct Port remapping... Does this restrict my options at all as to what remap i can run??? Have had one generic map and wasnt impressed at all, nasty nasty power spikes/surges/overboosting (undriveable). Got it reverted back...
  18. Eternal Rage

    Leon 20VT Help & Advice - Temp Senor - Power Surging??

    Hi Guys, I am all set for some action on the track at Trax this weekend and low and behold, two days before the off it goes wrong. had it on VAGCOM and came up with the following: 16500 - Engine Coolant Temp Sensor (G62): Implausible Signal 16518 - Oxygen (Lambda) Sensor B1 S1: No Activty...
  19. Smoothed Air Box Leon 20VT

    Ok, so managed to get my smoothed air box fitted today, took me about half an hour all in to remove original, put the new one in and put it all back nice and tight. With the air box, I got another air box off ebay for next to nothing (£10.00) and modded that as I didn't want to mess about...
  20. Skii

    My Leon 20VT

    Back from the bodyshop, clean and polished - at last :)
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