Oil sump - stripped drain plug hole thread


Full Member
Aug 27, 2004
A few months ago the oil sump pan on my Toledo hit a lump in the road. Suffered a few scrapes (not too bad) but a small amount of oil was leaking from the drain plug.
So I tightened it and stripped the threads on the sump, it is currently not leaking and holding in OK.
It is now due for an oil change and I could really do without having to buy a new sump.
I know I could use a tap to make a larger thread, but I am concerned about metal shavings getting into the oil.

In USA they sell slightly oversize drain plugs to fix this kind of problem, does anyone know if you can buy them in the UK or any other ideas?


Skoda Techie
Mar 22, 2003
Helicoil is your only option other than a sump really. Sumps aint that expensive mind you (about £70 iirc) but problems may arise when trying to helicol if you have clouted where the bung goes in. What it usually does is split the thread and thats why it leaks, and if you try and do it up the bolt pulls out as the thread isnt tight anymore.

And remember with an aluminium sump you should renew the sump plug/bung at every oil change.

mark sheerin

DUNLOP academy wanabee
May 26, 2002
You should be able to get a new sump on warranty.

There has been a problem with sumps stripping threads even during routine servicing.

My previous Cupra 20vt had a new sump put in at its 10,000 mile service


Full Member
Aug 27, 2004
Thanks for all the replies.

Unfortunately it is not still under warranty.
I checked it again and doesn't appear to be cracked, but is still slightly leaking.

Couldn't find anywhere that sells helicoils separately, only in large kits.
The american website with the oversize drain plugs does mail order to the UK so I decided to order one and a rubber gasket instead of the standard metal one, but will take a few weeks to arrive. Got a piggyback style one (14mm-1.5) with smaller removable bolt - seems like a good idea. I will report back on how well it works, when it arrives.

Over size drain plugs website - USA

Also I am planning on fitting a steel plate to provide some protection to the sump - it seems to have very little ground clearance.


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Full Member
Aug 27, 2004
The oversized drain plug I ordered came last week. From the website in the post above - is from Canada not USA, only took a week to arrive.

Measured the thread diameter : original is 14.0mm, oversize one is about 14.5mm.
After wiping the oil sump pan thread to remove loose aluminium it went in easily.
Used a metal and rubber composite washer from the same website.

I would recommend one - no leaks and securely tightened. :thumbup:
part numbers : oversize piggyback plug 1047,washer 2602
Oversize drain plugs - Canada

I am relieved not to have to get a new sump. :D


My A3 sump stripped its threads...So i had to replace it. I replaced it, and it startd to do the same thing on the new one! So i tightened it, sealed it, and now use a sucker instead of draining the sump! Much easier. Oil change with filter change in 20mins :D


Hi all will the sump plug on a seat and my vw golf 110 be the same.
As i have also striped the thread on my last oil change.

So i need to change the plug the next time that i change the oil.
so that i can order one from canada.

Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)