Passenger side driveshaft on way out???


Evening all
Was out tonight and driving home i started getting a knocking noise and could feel it through the floor aswell, like a thud. It goes with the rythym of the speed, the quicker i go, the quicker it knocks/thud. If i push the clutch in and coast, the noise dissapears. I started getting the grinding noise too. The grinding noise is the same as when you have no pads left on the back disks and they grind. Especially if i go round a round about or turn right, it like grinds. Also i put the steering on full lock towards the drivers side and got under the car. I pulled the passenger driveshaft and it had a bit of play back and forth, did this to the driver side driveshaft with it on full passenger side lock and the driveshaft had no play in it. Does this mean my driveshaft is on the way out??? Please help :cry:
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I think i've got the same problem, i got knocking sound when i did a right lock when backing out of a parking bay but since then the sound has not come back but the steering has gong very loose and is not as responsive :(


Well just to update, a new driveshaft sorted this out, when the old shaft was removed, the cv joint was knackered


Active Member
May 28, 2008
I'm not getting knocking but getting the grinding noise you are talking about when turning right on certain round abouts. I first thought it was wheel bearing but dont think it is as it only does at certain times and not when i swerve car right to left to test it.
I also read could be top mounts and bearing on them but now reading this could now be the drive shaft.

I can feel slight vibrations when the griding noise is happening through the gear leaver and floor a little.
U think this could be my problem?
What sort of price was it to buy the parts and also the cost of labour if you dont mind me asking ;)
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