Started fitting the JOM's today!!! What a PITA....
Started with the drivers side, front wheel. Got the drop link disconnected OK. Got the bolt on the hub out OK. Got the top undone with no issues (I have an impact wrench - cheap electric thing from MachineMart). So far so good then......... erm.. no!!
It took what seemed a lifetime to get the bottom end out of the hub. Eventually I managed to spread the hub with the use of a 1/4 inch drive inserted and rotated just 45 degrees to get just enough of a spread to loosen off the grip on the OEM strut. There is no room to get anything much in there.
Next issue - I could not get the wishbone to drop low enough to get the strut out of the hub - the strut was simply too tall. To cut a very long story short you can not get the compressors onto the springs and then wind them in enough to reduce the strut length as there isn't room at the top for the compressors to wind in enough. So, I jacked the wishbone up high to compress the spring, then attached the spring compressors finger tight as the space was so restrictive I had to attach them with the hexagon end at the top and turn the thread by hand from the bottom to get some grip on the spring before lowering the wishbone very slowly and carefully to allow the compressors to take the load and essentially, they kept the spring compressed to reduce the height of the strut. Only then did the bugger come out!! (it took me 2 hours to get to that idea so I hope I explained it clearly).
Anyway, the JOM's were assembled with only the bearing, the top mount rubber from the original strut and the flanged nut to keep it all in place. I had to wind the springs up very high to stop the adjuster rings fouling the tyre (you need 10mm spacers on the wheels for these things to go proper low).
All that done and I ran out of light!!! Tomorrow the rest will be done. I reckon I could do the other side in an hour now I've got the method down. I'll take some pics tomorrow to explain what I meant about getting the spring compressors in place with the spring already compressed.
The best thing though - I really enjoyed doing it!!