
Coding and programming Retrofit Heated Seats - A Complete How-To

Forum member @STU3Y found an issue with some of the coding instructions in the guide. The guide has been updated to reflect this, however if you have previously used the guide and have come across error code B133914 [009] please carry out the following instruction to correct this:

Connect VCDS to the car and goto Central Electics. Click Security Access and enter code 31347 then click Do It!.
Now go to Adaptations and using the search function type 'Sitz', then press enter. Once done, select the drop down menu and find 'IDE06089-ENG10905-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheitzungsfreigabe'. Change the current value to 'Not Installed' and click Do it! to save the change.


Once done, clear any previously stored error codes and rescan the module. The code B133914 should no longer return.

Thanks to STU3Y for finding the solution to this problem.