I bought my Seat last week and an obd11 along with it.
After driving around a bit I wanted to change how some settings behave so I connected the obd, went through the setup like normal and did a scan.
For some reason when I have the obd connected for about a minute I get a warning "low voltage: battery below 12V" and the car won't start.
Doing a push start will get it going and if I drive a bit it'll start on it's own.
I tried connecting the obd again after driving 2 hours and the same thing happened.
Is my battery dead? Or is the OBD messing with something.
by the way for connecting:
Connect OBD
put the car on ignition but don't start it.
Open the app and do the scan
After scan I have about 30-40s then the battery dies.
any help?
I bought my Seat last week and an obd11 along with it.
After driving around a bit I wanted to change how some settings behave so I connected the obd, went through the setup like normal and did a scan.
For some reason when I have the obd connected for about a minute I get a warning "low voltage: battery below 12V" and the car won't start.
Doing a push start will get it going and if I drive a bit it'll start on it's own.
I tried connecting the obd again after driving 2 hours and the same thing happened.
Is my battery dead? Or is the OBD messing with something.
by the way for connecting:
Connect OBD
put the car on ignition but don't start it.
Open the app and do the scan
After scan I have about 30-40s then the battery dies.
any help?