ibiza 2021 fuel filter location

Jan 12, 2024
hi, by any chance do you guys know where the fuel filter is? i have been looking all under the left side, there are a couple fuel lines black and white, but they get i gues into the fuel tank and as far as i can see there is no filter. could you please help me, also there is a little shake when the car is in a red light i was hopping that the issue was the fuel filter. no fault codes.
Jan 12, 2024
It is next to the gas tank on the right passenger side
Hi Jose. Could you please share me a picture? I have been looking everywhere. There where you are saying. I can see two lines. Black and white. But they are going into the tank I believe. Before they get into the thank I can't see the filter.


Active Member
Jun 4, 2008
South Scotland
I thought that there was a possibility that VW Group have removed the external fuel filter from their cars, well at least for European markets, as the fuel quality is so good that there is no real need for them nowadays, but I agree, where they are still being fitted to these cars, they are on the right hand side of the car, maybe just in line with the front of the rear wheel.

Cars that now do not have these external fuel filters tend to have a basic screen in the fuel pumping module inside the tank.

My car is an old 2011 Audi S4, and it does not have an external and serviceable fuel filter.
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