The car goes in for its fourth serve in a couple of weeks. I've asked them to plug it in to see if any fault codes come up.
Reckon a long press on the on/off button of the infotainment unit would bring it back. It's fed from there. The infotainment system firmware misbehaves itself and runs outside of memory then corrupts itself. Yours I reckon is a mib2 standard so the very last available update is 516. You could ask to get it put on that. There might be updates for the actual virtual cockpit display, so they could update that as well. Suspect it's in the infotainment unit firmware. Their tools will tell them whether there is more up-to-date firmware. I would not think its a physical
problem just duff software. You can read the firmware release for the infotainement unit off the screen.
On the Arona with the mib2 standard the display shifted 1/4" to the right after I loaded up some POIs once, a reboot corrected that (long hold on the on/off). Another time a pesky error that made the unit reboot. That was an embedded album art file in a file being played. Classic case of the programmers not thinking if you have a music file bigger than the allocated memory what do you do ?. Ignore it, not drop it into memory so it crashes the unit. Took a day or so to pin it down. Thought the map file was corrupted. No, process of elimination then found the track it was rebooting on. Non commercially produced flac file with an embedded jpeg. An album release someone had put a very large jpeg on. Unwritten rule with media servers that album art should be 512x512 or no bigger. The programmers had used that. The manual notes the restriction but the programmers didnt guard against it. School boy programming stuff.