Electric window wiring

Hi guys,

I’m trying to wire up my windows to a switch board on my roof for my time attack Ibiza.

There are 5 wires on the passenger door, I am yet to look at the driver side door.

On the passenger side door the wires are Brown and Red/green which are thick wires, I’d assume these are constant live/ground.

and a blue , purple/white and brown/white thin wire.

does anyone have a pinout for these plugs or just know which colour does what?

thanks a load to any help


Active Member
Mar 6, 2018
North Derbyshire
Oh no, so is there no way around that then? Surely the original switches have signal wires that they send out to the canbus?

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Poss some Can-bus expert might be able to do it but I did not want you adding wires and power which could take out the module, and that could be expensive
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